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Most of the time we seemed to end up in the Fraser Rooms - they had disco lights and a DJ - remember Kids in America by Kim Wilde being on in there
particularly well, as well as all the other hits of the day.

Nights out were generally finished off with a burger from the burger van which stood on the patch of ground just at the top of the entrance road, up
from the Cairngorm hotel on the right.  Behind their staff block I think it was.  Near to where the current entrance is to the big McDonalds shop now.
Staff food wasn't sufficient really, so the burger was always welcome especially after a few pints.

I wasn't always beer and burgers though - at least once a week we seemed to get the Trampies playing in the Illicit Still bar (nicknamed the "Illicit
Thrill" bar ha ha) which was the Post House Hotel bar, and rather suprisingly the staff were allowed to frequent this bar so we had some
really good home grown evenings in there - beer and music without having to actually expend any effort gettinC #0 k#<^^Nv'ZF):SHѧ8N^'E7d$ZxX4piJT^MJ)AS9EI(qr&MHU>Op -K"C ԥJA@@Y+yj\*˱B(ylB.*<ͪ!fxK"R߻pۅi$ر&,Elb-9f>ju!_+拻U]d9&iF\Wm#:}8JqqJߵӝJo_28*HK!YQG&aQHe1 c|ɣcl>sN$ x嘥Tګ,dke NN\l|ōC%]KyH^Pe/2Tjs( yv;vT',# n#07|0 ݹ\9KتFIvSnEurh,D8N9ӯ hd)%.t[QnF8URjoƟIдjR ] Kڠ+*姁#[ב.$ &9e8#"bf;ZEX_1M$+匶>}TeMKnY-I/hѪL.]%b,;FaϖDQGC0kd \JLeWpZ[!y%n䋁/S*`o;u˸TVOtGh%:sn挚R{Y4ӊW/l}q5իJL3dIQ4:jKQ o_eA5n>bRG"3ǁ` `~XW2\A|+&,L;w|,rT$޷ԙA;TnAb@<+26x(Wa`8e$+$-|s & 2H$ݓwA$9iWWZKҵJ*Wi+-uru$vVM5vޒ䤤gs|n[]|3q%Εsr!X^}[J WcX>~6՟[{j\\h6S+GYR 9أ+.<; ƹka xB=mNi$5'OFE;)Nm\㫂Zr |QN3UuhЍyJJ3I6گ I7Zia?ޣ^.Eo(rӯ4Ad젟YooShVZ/a:uy/x0GY@;Kb+O?:/>!_@Moh-ijkvv1#7%HpVX|d{mx)u[MkCt ][pKkF%>N3ElKcy*.{iЄ*ƊmB^4sY7$]E.xNN#R8{Z8W\vQ?.?g?&e7W&_ iZNE,YI$ěSpBʅumt/&;OoBWQZ@kk6>Rsda~J5OZmv hsLch+W~ogyf[}CL<ǑI!`IaζeSF8jXLuiԣ YpĪɨS濫ܹ0(`JoNc 8aѫVvI9$NqQFnkΧu}r,H@]1f9J8*Ճ) ;ˍųѸ `IƣZM fRXTbp$-9aNr.vī&Ag83h0}u?gN 0qaʬMkӺiǞSm[[.kꢒ_9+(I9?!o`T  9np,)6r! # #$(ΏEFl6 *w)*FѼ G.^߳Y]L۹$l[qHTP'j6iJRݨɻktRVi6TuʒbNME5V~ӟZOΟ|k^aM?Fb%!. p$eQT ?Uab$N[no9dc 6ԿggA:^I+6H>h\m!A7ÿM/3Ũ?dVi@C&>pn*!ܣϑ5+AylU9<]TI]RKWʛlr6(V:U0TAՄ[:JN%Iܫ+b@ *q94;K4L7H#i<ňgۏBkEOcYh:.ɪOTv۰I* fo㽕~!xGvZ1#<;JA|(S9Z(Bܪ;;%hVnH[ k[mM(%]y[wIX&?6hl'kɇFT: 9;,7V֧+|\DG,FQY$dNPd3 p` hڍK;Z94& ~de{Vu#Lǀ`z~<+n_UYcPXXEFf)e;%Ce2phNR 9{%RPg^n~e)En:WnS岯oҋUhқRS-'Smj~}Uf xXZ^BmR bVKP6~$ډ-r,:$opēLnfLp>Lr7z>_~Fzdl?]#/q8$C9mߊ>&} C&H T[eWdFikU32ZۼF*6 Znܣv _>6q8mti 巎}"VAm)jGGZŵΉcQ,VVCoX8@V|A]Nվ.x2>%QKHiM9p<#3,t'YҕXS*TBe,y4]nzSFG:RjTNjAr엺մS_ xB^4BhVa RܳhUٕU@qϼOҵx~t_m)ot% gi^dTp6q-6?3.״ؗOΫtTj4).Emh>3xC GTo+nO**ZSmm̀ʃx-ӫ:)Z)FT!gˑS6ն#8Tԯ%.Dܡ(NiIn3o&ݚW (Y֧D+(Hѕ(ڤ)m.Y%[ Фhȷ#Cوb*ہ;v^~$[/æ=y٦F@'c9&Fi&5ngs4D3$rcNKG F͒sx[5le2|he} 4d<+•HSZjTSr=Tj$/tܚ}fUIU׫JO8]UJ<Fqutg\xԸy~}w鍈/ː0[$`lA9&]K$!vrIÆ]lna6iʩ"@cJ|Epȸ$lSC~5@ly6h Gf*帜sReѡES+GV44J7,vg S>HFjT AwnjNiIs'8[1c}/$EP q*[o\^H%|#ZkmX`,E7ԶHP]5stEI(GXnȂ09Rt>"Qnm4-IJ̒äQ a`UIo ,*U'R29ѷ(ߛmJ)k]%:tS*Ut\9sMZ:&is{i帎7|hba NwnB9#f$)arPNJ~TJ(,Ҳ.yeShNZuGVWU(di+]q xT/n%KuF.ʆ ),!k_>870Qc ;~9`0:U_id$;Z?(*d\$j|)O,"\Hbz$z'qW*kޅHḁTILZ3\Y a)J/gWPpSRMURv#c YXV':jQrJ')8WmdZw͕yԬ-{XKG *|yb+*H #mČ C"U m/nV=:cDȀ{p-GB]9.2nO=22''Oʤjj8.R49RxZݶ-:.NJJtsqRJa9J_ k)1VVGHmel<+,&`v Cܠ9e0[۲G,(jEO`~v 0icRDgng0>X;ܱnRrĒz& J>Kd!c}kdHTrr~B-T}]*t6h))97-'Vtc>XrV7I;Ú+II$mQr,c#3 UH`V2]V B0 պ#,J h$GXDݹv-%pbep"$y7mv%0U䷶HQJ1,vȣ`\[YNPI"*T(EgQ]kIRMie$0^\*I18J%JmrSIMĿ\X&{q6H^Hbi`,J@oVxh.$K>قE#Ddƛv[+|Wi-?h*3~*Gv[]5MtuVC=ĩ#'>RH%ĶYCetqTG(ߙ']AwNMyusvB Zs-(_mfKcPC\r.$S+llO10=ؖF vBo2̉$xHv8'|jKqq6d6X+h ee3p$Ңag|ϵ32 92 r|OgʚmÕ)rONvڒI˰pN^QSQRi*i^UqnK樥$R4%}Ci6! ) 2d  9XG4,B @Fϙs2X!ͼ)Du dxIpkLn /X:EXf2 1u1 SK.X"ric(.eMr:RԽ\=K޴O_=ny81g$ Kqm6ut$w2yj\$vh˷*ܩNI`A4m[KdET18;@d` Υ[ʲu+$;U v͊PYFl[C(@&Ջ+!҃,N +U'u'J4ae>wM|rrW^r>rB9OP4#8;5dZpӾLѣNͺȋ r7P  Lb0e!Uxbv8&` iEd9;co?c CFռʈIllFYRf`e% RDϐؾYFp,9Sy&j^7^ge(TgZ NU$PrTݔr(c]sHźEr4 ̊=Xc!_1:͌Yֱ1hN34LNZRK%L]UGM2˳XWd2m!vWR6[9fSM{n[1̎B66윌S6g#J.:^uW^i£(-˚mɿI%۫hҼ8:\S5YGNÔKEp`BHg_+ vo4rG c8G3+8e!!w,I@KhJri_\*җc+H"Ia̯,Ep0dI*Y k>GuZe' 攔eQ$,Vj<|joʲ)B<\'nf&Qk"CsicTn*A!ՅM+,DKH+2rII6ojeWn(#*dm޳#1iB PN%4ieY"Xyw(cppA%P΄'SHӌԝӔcxA598%{-g~)K7U՜\Q8J|ΚRKxܩpY)蹌7 '  5wLʖ(0WB2ztXs}4aGik+U.23xBYw:,c@Hݻ w  Te'Քds)Mr+J2N݌:EVHg$48I8]ENQW[rJsc#||6C/2vqerWR~S,FHX(yؔ5TWGP>i! 'p8Jj4:puj4J(۲oo ʫjiEKo1u{;*<8Kc@YKd #aNC1)sd\;FJ#1B@Ct`.7jH i2*匎 1\rI,gE Jf ҨiPYF@#%4P_WqPJ_}ǚ.R\TFȢ$Xٕ-ˣh`HI֦H(TW_I4iJJj”cRP*Fn$e(&D[yNnceaHɰvpgkvyy=&bU؋$) PblAU^!&eo̡!$ VjӒ8|ǚԈ;U7rHYUBr7(+I^:m:jrj)9J$y+s<XF曔a)фgN乜i%UHhn[xܠNDʮ LpbƦ(uuF]Z?)a[bЭ`B;8WY\b'WXXXc,jڛkXbI7%D4Ka z@%Xӝ=8BTy޲惲ե̜WxFq5I8''QJQJIFN2vrw23mϖe,TFbmņwX%-2I\G Rs2vj)|+yJ0bC+rXdmȶk+hBRcn*ڡ39e8qUSrt䔧%4-ndjWxR*#W *)RY҄gmJ*\B\qUNf4;y:6-I%] 6IHLrI#,KǒBS-V'DKV^2ɔ%y NFpJ~V&ʭ +/_!Bom%;ʴԥVR*~-$7?2wˢeUZ/IE3%)IZ:8B*WO*.ϔL8ihn72y+Xak-8{rV$&[a,Ǹ`#ilƿk>`2 (ﰷ̤ΞZ' jap9RXȁw=T6X>΍8ՋmN` P挥wWn-Ru_,jr7%>y' }$4OXE+5 7QbMivl2:zgn~V Zv,bd/D4802_small.jpg" xthumbnail-orig-image="images/liasutherland/20120719_154802.jpg">


Hi Julie and David

I was sitting staring at the clock, hoping for the hour to strike10pm, I wait in order that i could reclaim my television from my 16 year old son. The time is 9.50pm, big brother ( or brain dead telly) is still on, I have 10mins to kill, I ask myself " what will i do?" So I decides to go on and try to search for some accommodation in Aviemore for this September and hey presto, as I scroll down there is your site. What a great Idea. so Instead of loosing a few more brain cells watching some rubbish or other I thought I'd write to you and give you some of my experiences and some of the names I recall from the "Auld Aviemore"

I started work in Aviemore in 1982 as a 16 year old kitchen porter (doesn't everyone), working under Chef Whelan ( an Irish fella, I think he later owned the Alt-na-Craig) His assistant was Rolf Ruttermen ( probably the wrong spelling of his name). I also remember a fella called "shades" who worked in the hotel kitchens, he lived in Kingussie, he had a brother who again worked in the Kitchen but his name escapes me. I later moved to the Entertainments Department of the hotel and worked under Sue Page, I basically took over the on-site clay pigeon shooting from a fella called John Gillespie. The hotel manager was a fella called Peter Steinlie (spelling), and his assistant was Mr Roach who I recently seen working in the Cairngorm Hotel. One of the other Duty Managers was a lady called Fanny Young. I ended my stay in Aviemore in 1984/5 as a front of house Porter.

The hotel was a great place to work and Aviemore itself was a great place to socialize. My haunts back then were the Red Mc and the Frazer Rooms ( if anyone recalls them). I recall two other great bars, however I can only remember the name of one, and i think I'm correct in saying it was The Graigallachie, which was located near the chalets, just off the centre. The other was like a German beer pub which was situated between the ice rink and the crazy golf ( put me out my misery and tell me the name).

I recently went to Aviemore for the weekend and I'm glad to see that the Ski-In Doo restaurant is still on the go, as is the Wiking owl. However I loved the big water fountain that used to be at the very heart of the centre, pity the couldn't retain that in the new centre. I also have a great memory of watching Lloyd Honeyghan knock seven bells of crap out of Don Curry for the World Welterweight Title in the bar that used to be under the Badenoch Hotel.....again I think it was called the viking lounge? I also have memories of the disco called "The Avalanche" which used to be under the Strathspey Hotel. I also loved the go-kart track, which was at the side of the freedom inn, we used to go there all the time, it was a buzz for me as i was to young to have a driving license.

When I worked in Aviemore I stayed in three locations, In the staff accommodation at the Coylumbridge Hotel itself, in the Alt-Na-Craig and in The Dell of Rothiemurchus, both the Dell and the Alt-na -craig were bought by Reo Stakis when the hotel was renovated in 1983? and the staff quarters were converted into guest accommodation. I shared rooms with John Dunn ,who i still keep in touch with to this day, Paddy Kennedy (we used to call him Leo Sayer) who came from Rutherglen and Tony ??? Who came from the south side of Glasgow. Other people I recall from my time there are Nancy the dinner lady, Yvonne Brown, from Leigh, Sandra Paul from Liverpool, Morag Anderson from Jedburgh and Donald McFadyen from Colonsay, who has sadly passed away. Brenden ?? was the resident DJ in the Woodshed bar, which I'm glad to say has been reclaimed as a bar within the grounds of the Coylumbridge.

I'm sorry I'm a bit patchy with the names but it is a long time ago now. Sadly i do not have any pictures from my time there, i was to busy living the life.

Thanks for letting me write this and for getting it off my chest. My Buddy John Dunn and I talk about our times in Aviemore whenever we get together, it was and is once again a great place.

David Osborne

Hi there, very enjoyable to look at your website.

I worked as a barman at the Woodshed bar at the Coylum for the 82/83 ski season. Had one one the best times there. Hard work but good fun. Worked with Graeme Scott-Dodd and Archie with wee Brendan as the DJ. Those parties we used to have were so good, great fun whether I was working or had the night off. To this day whenever I hear music from that time I am taken straight back. I was very disappointed to find that it had been turned into a timeshare sales office but glad to see it now back as a bar, a bit too modern for my taste best of luck to it. I still visit the hotel about every year but this time as a guest rather than a worker. My how it has changed. The building is pretty much still the same but its not the same place. I am not sure that the late Mr Steinle would approve. Sorry but there is no way I can remember all the names and apologies to those I miss out but a big hello to Graeme, Trevor, Brendan, big Stevie, Susie from the foyer shop and not forgetting Shona from the Bank of course, should they pick this up.

Steve Dunn

My name is Grant McChlery ,
I moved to Aviemore in 81 ,to find work, I stayed at the Alt Na Craig b&b for a few weeks, Managed to get a start in the kitchen in the Badenoch Hotel thanks to
Ian Miller [ass. mgr.] .I worked in the kitchen , and also did DJ'ing in the Viking lounge in the bowels of the hotel.  I had the good fortune of being part of the crew
working in the kitchen, there was Sam [head chef], Barry [porter], and others names of which elude me at the mo. Also Don Lawson [restr.],
Ornella James [ cocktail bar] & working with the likes of Tom Grant etc.
I then was approached by the "Centre", and I took up the position as Asst. Entertainments Mgr working all the hours of the day, some of the duties
involved the workings of Santa Land, ice rink, games room, swimming pool, putting, etc,
Most of the days [ & nights ] we organised the cinema and the 2 night clubs ,the best was Saturday night with live bands and DJ "Valentino" aka ?
Many tales to tell, and all good.
I left end of 82. very , very , good times, and all the best to those i met and worked with,,, SAM [chef]  DON LAWSON  [dining] BARRY [kitchen]
TOM GRANT [ cinema ] IAN PRICE [hotel] and many more of which will come to mind at some point.
I do have old posters of the weeks entertainment shedule for the centre of which i will dig out.
I hope the people who worked in Aviemore read this and send there thoughts, maybe even leave contact details.
Grant Mcchlery

I was in Aviemore 1981 worked at the Red McGregor hotel I was the Manager.
Wasnt a particularly good time for me but there was a band that played Sunday afternoon in the Red McGregor.
I think they might have been called HarvesT2 but its all a bit patchy!
They played Eagles stuff Quite good.
They had a record out at the time called Remember Carol .
Any memories, info or updates on this would be appreciated.

Colin Henry

Hi there.

I worked At the Coylumbridge Hotel in the 1980's.  Coming from London I found the place magical and have
many happy memories of the place.  I remember the Freedom Inn, Strathspey and  Badenoch hotels and had no idea the place had changed so much? Where does the time go? I met some luvly people from all around the world and luvly local people.

Helen Lowe


Gosh, Ive just been taken back to a wonderful place and time!  I have so many wonderful memories of 1978  which I will jot down when Ive had more time to browse through your wonderful website.
I married Jan Kuhl who was Bar Manager in the centre and had the room next to Santa George in the staff quarters!

Linda Kuhl


I too have happy memories, especially of the ice rink
where my brother David Stott was a manager.


I learned to ice skate there, and loved the scenery and town very much.
Nice to know someone loved it as much as me.

Regards Janice Slinger, Nee Stott.

Hi Julie and David, I read your fond memories of Aviemore with a personal interest as I lived and worked in the Badenoch Hotel during March-May of 1975.

Together with 3 friends I left Hobart in Tasmania at the start of 1975, travelling ship-jet to London and train to Inverness then on to Aviemore. We felt quite at home with the cold and snow, just like Tassie we thought! The trains were great and on arrival the people friendly and helpful and it was suggested we enquire for work at the resort which we did. To our surprise there was a staff shortage and the assistant manager, a Mr Tough, was very pleased to offer kitchen jobs to us all with accommodation and all meals with 15 pounds in our pay packet each week, marvellous! So we helped feed 170 guests each meal time with the best food available in Scotland.  My job was vegetable preparation, washing up all the many giant size pots and pans, kitchen cleaning, and food storage. I worked with an old gentleman called Val, I think he was Polish and a concentration camp survivor, we both spent many happy times together sampling the left over pots of tripe and onions, haggis and neeps, scampi and others, while the head chef was issuing commands to the cooks who were in a frenzy of food preparation. Val loved his food, probably making up for the times in the past when he had none. Outside would be bitterly cold with snow piling up against the service doors while we were indoors being warmed by the massive stoves.

I also spent a lot of time on the ice! which was I believe the largest rink in Britain at that time. When they had the curling competitions I always admired the skill of the sweepers as I called them, to be able to speed up or slow the stone so it stopped where it should. My skating career ended abruptly after I over confidently powered out of the sweeping bend at breakneck speed down the straight where I was catapulted forward when the serrated tip on the skate dug into the ice. In agony I crawled to the rail and dragged my aching body with 2 broken ribs off the ice to the village doctor. So now even after 37 years I only come in contact with ice when filling the 'Eski' to cool the refreshments ha ha ha. Snow skiing on the Cairngorms was less drama filled and o boy what a view, magnificent!

 Every night at the resort when not working we would all wander over to the other hotels to have fun and dance the night away, then at home time would wend our way back along the snow lined pathways in the glorious fresh air. 15 pounds wages even those days wouldnt cover expenses for the amount of fun we were having.

The lads and I bought an old green Consul (Cortina) for 90, as transport for an adventure tour of the rest of Britain which we did and loved every minute of it.

Hotel manager Tough was nearly in tears when we decided it was time make tracks.

He gave us all glowing references upon departure and said he would re employ us if ever we should return.


 Well Julie and David thats my Tasmania to Aviemore adventure story 37 years ago when I was just 20 years old. I returned safely home nearly 2 years later after many more adventures including backpacking through darkest (as well as some of the lighter bits) Africa and wonderful India.


All the very best to you both and keep on having adventures.


Kind regards,

Charles Pecats

ps. I only have this photo taken from my room and work reference.


Hi David & Julie

Excellent photo album.. Load's of memories for me from the early 1970's staying almost every summer holiday at the chalets. Breakfast at the pinewood and supper at the Das Stubel. I remember the Rover tickets that got us in everywhere. As I got older,Cythia's Disco.. the bars.. Nice to see the Winking owl is still there. Pity about Santa Claus land. (I sent you photos of that about 3yrs ago) keep up the good work,

Bob Brown 
Formerly of Peterhead, now Nova Scotia Canada.


Im 40 this year and thought that it would be fun to take my friends to Santa Claus Land, as I loved it so much as a child. I Googled it and found your site. Fab site, but such a shame that the centre is closed. I can remember so many happy times there. We went, what seemed to be every year, and spent the time in between waiting for our trip to come around again.

I can remember going to the Haggis night at the hotel and hearing the story of the Haggis as it was killed. I was so upset that the commentator came and found me and gave me a box of Smarties!

We all loved the ice skating, and thats where we all learnt. I can remember it being really cold though, when we watched the ice hockey games.

Am I right in thinking that there were little cars in the central area, as well? You paid 10p (or some silver coin) and sped around for ages!

Loved the trampolines, and the horse riding too. Wasnt there a cactus on the trekking trail that was near the entrance?

What happened to the old fashioned cars? Really loved them.

Oh, memory lane!

Keep the photos coming. Its brought it all back.

Kindest regards



We were in Aviemore earlier this week and a young lady in the Coffee Pot opposite The Winking Owl told us about your site

Still to look closely but ..

I laboured on the site of the centre for 15 months before it opened, having left Edinburgh University after one year. Being raised in Boat of Garten, it seemed a good idea!

Otto Panciroli , manager Badenoch Hotel, offered me a job as night porter in the hotel when it opened and I worked as such until I left to resit exams after 6 months. I rejoined the hotel after a break of 6 weeks, to find Lachie was now night porter but I was employed as assistant wine waiter working for Bruno Lucchesi (Head Waiter, now married to Wendy who was a receptionist at the time) Bruno became assistant Manager and Benito Cardinale became Head Waiter and I moved to station waiter, wine waiter and eventually 2nd Head Waiter. This was my job when my wife of now 40 years(Maureen) came on holiday in February 1968. Later that year I went to Ross Hall, Scottish Hotel School in Glasgow and became a fully fledged hotel manager, later joining Cadburys in sales and working for them for 30 years before retiring in my mid 50s and living in Kilmarnock

I am still in touch with Bruno and Janet Pamment Howden as was by e-mail. My former room mate in the hotel, Mario Brezianini, also married a girl from the same holiday group who came up in 1968

I have a few photos which I will try to send another day

Thank for the good site!! 

Jay Ward

Julie & David

I was fortunate enough to grow up in Aviemore. I moved there aged 6, 
and had one year in Rothiemurchus school before the new primary school 
in Aviemore opened. Primary 1 and 2 were together in one class, taught 
by Miss McPherson who used to wallop the children over the head if 
they misbehaved. Some of my classmates used to go up to her desk and 
drop their pencil on the floor so they could get sight of her long 
white bloomers. After Aviemore school we all went to Kingussie. I went 
on the back road bus, which went round by Feshiebridge, and was 
renowned for bad behaviour.

Our house was the white cottage in Coylumbridge, by the junction of 
the ski road and the road to Nethybridge. Last time I was in Aviemore 
I found it had been demolished, and replaced with 3 huge holiday 
homes. That was a sad day. It was my Grandparents who first moved 
there. My Grandfather (Bobby Graham) ran the camp site in 
Coylumbridge, and the little shop adjacent to the gamekeepers cottage 
across the road. My Grandmother (Isobel Graham) then started the Foyer 
shop in the Coylumbridge Hotel, and a snack bar (The Ruthie But) by 
the river near our house. She was a wonderful woman, and found time to 
volunteer for the Brownies and do other charity work as well as 
running a business and taking care of an extended family. She caused 
great excitement in Aviemore when she came runner up in the Cook of 
the Realm competition and appeared on national TV. My Mother (Linda 
Graham) took over the shop when my Grandmother died. Sue Caird (Sandy 
Caird's wife), and Sandra South (from the curling club) both worked in 
the shop. I virtually grew up in Coylumbridge Hotel. I first kissed a 
boy in the Woodshed at my 11th birthday party. It was Kenny McDonald, 
still in Aviemore today.

I started skiing when I was about 6. I used to hitch hike (ON MY 
OWN!!) up to the mountain, and ski all day. My Mum would give me a one 
pound note for my lunch. When the day was over, the car park attendant 
would let a car out free in return for giving me a lift home. As 
locals we were privileged. I had my own pony in the field behind our 
house and I used to saddle up and ride for miles on my own into the 
forest. A different way of life. Summer days were spent at Loch 
Morlich. My sister and I used to swim, sunbathe and play on the sand 
all day long.

The Aviemore Centre was the focus of the local community. I learnt to 
swim and skate there. Aviemore was a tiny village of only 2,000 
inhabitants but we had the sports and leisure infrastructure of a 
large city.

When I grew up a little, social life for my friends and I revolved 
around the cinema, the Winking Owl, Post House Hotel, Disco, and the 
Tavern. Sometimes the Struan House Hotel in Carrbridge, especially at 
new year. Does anyone remember the Ski Ball? Fun times! Even although 
we were underage, we were allowed in bars as long as we did not drink 

I started to work for Cairdsports as a Ski Instructor at weekends when 
I was about 15, and then on and off for many years. The attached photo 
was taken in the late 70s, I am in the front row between Dave Barclay 
and Derek Brightman. 

I won the ski instructor's race that year. It is 
amazing how many people in the photo have gone on to do great things 
in the world of skiing and elsewhere.

I left Aviemore when I was 18, for London; and returned only 
periodically until I moved to Edinburgh 7 years later, at which point 
I spent most weekends in the village of my childhood. I left for Spain 
a couple of years later, and did not visit Aviemore for many years. By 
that time my Grandparents had died and my Mother had moved south so I 
had no family left in Aviemore. Fortunately I never saw the Aviemore 
Centre in its derelict state. My last visit was 3 years ago and I was 
truly shocked at what had become of my home town. The Aviemore Centre 
has gone - it is now a giant shopping mall. The village has extended 
beyond belief, ugly housing estates everywhere. The Coylumbridge Hotel 
is now the Hilton, but it looks very tired and old, and the atmosphere 
is completely different - the lobby is full of fruit machines. It was 
a sad visit. Aviemore will always be my home, but a different Aviemore 
from the one there now. I wanted my little boy to have the same kind 
of upbringing I had, freedom, fresh air, unlimited sporting 
opportunities - but I knew I would not find it in today's Aviemore, so 
we relocated to Slovenia where we find a little of what I had as a 
child. It is not nearly so much fun though, what was great about 
Aviemore was the constant stream of visitors looking for good times.

Browsing through the website brought back many happy and wonderful 
memories, and it was great to see so many faces from the past. I feel 
truly privileged to have grown up in Aviemore, and thank you for 
keeping the memories alive!

Jaqueline Stuart

Allan Morton from Kikaldy sent us a few new (1979) photos of the Centre and Santa Claus Land
Thanks Allan
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I will look through my parents photo box sometime in the near future for any other photos from that week in 1979.

I know I have lots of Hogmanay photos up my loft so will hopefully have some to send you soon.


Shona Helm

** Yes Shona, it certainly is Santa George - don't you look bonnie?** David & Julie

Dear David and Julie:- 

It was fine meeting you both at Scone Palace on Tuesday and I hope that you enjoyed your visit and also the trip to Broughty Ferry. I examined your Website on auld Aviemore and what a shame that things have to change.
I was a bobby in Pitlochry during the mid 70's and then again from 1995 until 2001. During the winter the A.9 would become blocked with snow somewhere around Drumochter and all those skiers heading for the slopes would become halted at Blair Atholl. Usually but not always the railway was still open and you have never seen railway carriages so full, cars abandoned all over Blair Atholl. We were in regular contact with the police at Aviemore during the winter months. What a length of time it took to travel by road to Aviemore and once you passed Calvine then that was where mother nature took over. It's hard to believe that there were still a number of families, usually game keepers and railway workers who lived out in those exposed areas.
During the 1980's I used to "moonlight" for a local butcher who had the contract to supply both the Strathspey and the Badenoch hotels. I used to set off during the early evening in his van and it was usually the wee small hours when I arrived back in Perth. One night he asked me to drive him up to one of those hotels, I can't remember which - he had a business meeting and my job was to drive him home. We ended up at a disco with the chef and his wife. The butcher owned a Ranger Rover and it was one of the first vehicles in the area to be converted to LPG as an alternative to petrol - very temperamental in those days. The snag was that before you finished your journey you were supposed to switch back to petrol otherwise the thing wouldn't start very easily when you came back to it.  No one told me that and it was about 3am in the morning before I managed to get the vehicle running again.
Kind regards once again and good luck with your Website.
Willie MacFarlane.

Hi there

Being brought up in the village till I was around 10 then returning to live a few times, I have some memories. Hopefully they will be of use.

I noticed Julie could not remember what was on the site of Tesco before it was built. Let me remind you.
Originally, Coopers the supermarket (Im sure it was something else, but was affectionately known as Coopers). Then it changed to Somerfield (yes, Aviemore DID have a Somerfield at one time!!). During the whole of this time, there was a house situated directly next to the brae (station direction). The reason this was knocked down is because Tesco (being the bullies they are) started throwing tantrums and saying that they were going to get planning permission to knock the house down in order to build on the site. The family who lived there (I went to school with the son) resisted and resisted, but as far as I am aware, Tesco eventually made them an offer they simply couldn't refuse. Its a shame really, as generations grew up in that house and now its no longer there.

I also remember just up from that (heading towards the car park next to the public toilets), just down the brae was a quite rundown house which was at one point lived in by my primary 6 teacher, Miss Kellett-Smith. (She was Australian and lovely). I remember myself and 2 friends (pupils of hers as it happens!!) picking raspberries from the trees, and Miss K-S inviting us in and giving us more tubs as we were running out!!! I remember my Nan then, when we got back to hers, would make jam from the raspberries and we would always get to taste it just after it was made. The house has since been knocked down (around 3 years ago perhaps) and now Spencers funfair is located there (at least it was when I came home around 3 weeks ago). Talking about Spencers, it was always situated in the big field next to the Winking Owl and old Chevvy's. The land at the time was owned by Davy Cameron (I think). I remember when the post office/shop next to it was situated down the stairs (where royal mail is but along a bit) and MacDonalds taxis was in the office next to royal mail but on the side next to the stairs.  MacDonalds taxis then briefly located to the centre (in the huge car park not far from SCL as it happens!!)

I also remember where the youth club is now, was a community hall (a bit like the one next to the ambulance station) and it was the site of many sales and community events. Talking about halls, the big hall used to be site to brownies, summer clubs and nurseries amongst other things. Bingos were popular then too. The Red Mcgregor (later siting Anglers Rest) - i used to work there but also the leisure club was well better than Dalfaber!!

In the Centre, the main entertainment complex housed the cinema, Crofters, Osprey suite and many more things. I only ever went to crofters once and hated it!! My dad (Brains) used to work the doors of crofters for years and years. All the kids discos were happening in the osprey suite, and as for the cinema, whoever was in charge at the time used to tell me and some friends to come up once a month and all the films which had now finished, we could take the posters off. WE HAD LOOOOOOOOOOOADS!!
RS McColls - my Nan used to work there. There was like an art gallery sort of thing next to it. I remember there was a radio station or something next to the shop. The swimming pool as well.  Good times were had there and that really WAS the heart of the community. To be honest the whole Centre was the heart of the community.

The freezer shop run by Mr Howe (its now a electrical shop or something), and Chevvy's.  Both sadly closed down.
I also remember when you used to be able to walk from Dalfaber to Coylum down the back road before Big Brother was introduced. I mean by that that although security is good, you always used to be able to do your thing and know you were never being watched. Now its like any street.

To be honest, there's still loads more I remember, but I think you'd be slightly exhausted by the end of it all, so I will leave it there!!



** Sorry, I forgot to include these ones:

The Strathspey Lawn:
This was another central part to the community. Locals and visitors alike would use it, even up to 2005,for the likes of sledging, galas, events. Now sadly its been closed off, like the rest of the centre.

The Freedom Inn: This was a place where everyone went post-teen age. There were discos events etc, and it was THE place in Aviemore where anyone underage could actually get away with it!! I also worked here in 1999 and had some good times, apart from my supervisor being a bitch!!

** Sorry I just logged onto Facebook again so just got the message. Am gutted "Santa" has sadly passed away, but he was brilliant in the original Santa Claus Land. i remember going there with my mum and a friend and the grotto was our favourite bit of the whole venue.  He was always friendly and made you feel safe (if that makes sense!!) I was gutted when Santa Claus Land shut down.  When the new one reopened it was okay but had nothing and i mean nothing on the old one. even the shops in the square were cheap crappy imitations.

my thoughts are with Santa's friends and family and everyone lucky enough to meet him


I've just returned from a stay up in Aviemore - first time in 20 years

I stayed in the Aviemore Inn and whilst there could not get my bearings on where I was within the "Old Centre" - until I looked at your website and put the pieces together using old photo's

Unbelievable to think that the new shopping area is built over the old cinema building - I had a feeling it was

Whilst "Macdonald" are obviously trying very hard - there is something missing and the vast expanses of car parking / wasteland are just a plain waste.......

In the current climate it is likely to stay that way for a while too

I had a very sad feeling when I was there - I knew what used to stand there being the reason..., that's progress I s'pose

Just makes you wonder - what is being planned in the resort next?  It's crying out for something but my stay was enjoyable none the less

Best wishes to all and keep up the good work !!!
Best Regards
Simon Tough

Please find attached photos of Santa Claus Land outside Santa's house. (can't remember the occasion)
Pictures of the bikes after the pony rides not sure who's riding the bikes, and a photo of me with a shiner after being hit with a soft ball bat by the headmaster of the local primary school (accident)  My mum worked at the park for many years, so many photos to follow.
I hope you can use the pictures. I have many pictures to share from all over the Centre - staff night's out, ice hockey games, ice rink , Pinewood restaurant and around. I have enjoyed your website greatly. Reading and knowing about Santa's death has made me look out the pictures because being there as a child, I have very many memories of a great place with great staff.

For everyone to enjoy.
Kathleen Cameron


Dear David & Julie

I thought, "never will my tongue stick to the North Pole" and it was Santa that poured warm water on my tongue to release me without taking the skin off. Only one of his handy tricks.  The worst thing was, I was 19, and all the kids were having a good giggle at me saying, "Did you not read the sign -
DO NOT TOUCH?"  In one off your photos with Bert Mackay there is a guy with a black beard.  I know that guy but his name eludes me at the moment, but boy, do I have some stories to tell of the old times and of what we got up to, except it's not for "family viewing."  If only we could turn the clock back. 

David Stark

48 page PDF download
(nearly 10MB !!)

Thanks to Debbie Regan
(Lots of new photos from Debbie on "Your Photos" page



Hi there,
Just reading your website with great interest.  I was browsing through the web as have just read the story about the Aviemore Highland Resorts going into administration.
Myself, my 2 sisters + mum & dad visited and stayed in Aviemore in the early 80s one year and it was memories that we will not forget.  I was probably about 8 at the time.  I remember very well the Ice Rink, Go Karts, swimming pool, some sort of Karts that you could pedal, Santa Clause Land etc.  we stayed at the Badenoch hotel.  I have pictures of us at the Ice Rink & my dad go-karting somewhere, and will need to dig them out.
To relive my childhood moment, I booked my boyfriend and I into the Coylumbridge Hilton in Feb.
Alas my childhood dreams were shattered as we took a walk round the resort. I wanted to show my boyfriend Santa Claus Land etc but it was all gone!  Instead was this posh overrated "shop" called Macdonald resorts. Most disappointing.  

Karen Dillon

(COMMENT: We agree so much with you, Karen. David & Julie)

Some new photos from a new contributor - Isabel McKenzie

 a Post House Staff Party, Aviemore Curling Team, Aviemore FC c.1946
 & a "not so old Aviemore FC"

Thanks Isabel

Another set of photos submitted by our friend Helen
"PostHouse staff" and also some of Bill Paul, Donnie Trampy, Alan Brand and the old Ptarmigan (Sheiling) and
the Ice Hockey team

(Thanks Helen)

Hello, my now husband stumbled across your site .. W O W!!  We have so many pics we could add to this collection, just need to get round tuit!!  We are the couple sort of centre front, we would love to know who owns this pic as we can remember the day so well, but not who took the pic. In fact, Ronnie took a pic of me strolling along the very same walk in the very same clothes so must have been minutes apart, it was S O HOT!!   There are so many memories, lots of the pics we recognise ex-staff of Freedom Inn where I was employed.  Teresa Brown then, along with my greatest friend Gail Tongs, and darling beloved long distance lover from Birmingham Ronnie Palmer whom you cannot fail to i.d. had a thing about Basketball then and still has!!! 

Teresa Brown


Here are some photos of Cyril the Squirrel - sent to us by our friend Helen

You can see a video of Cyril appearing on "Richard & Judy"  here

Dear David & Julie

re. Mary Paterson.
I could have written exactly the same letter about my first visit-we must have known each other.
My father was also a journalist, albeit with the Daily Express, holidaying courtesy of the centre as
it opened on a Press week. My little brother skated on his double bladed skates, with some of the rink
cordoned off for the curlers. The dry ski slope was too muddy to use but we swam in the pool.
We were young, I was a young teenager, my sister 8 and my brother 5, but we were perfectly
safe to run around unattended. My parents dined at the super sophisticated Das Stubel while we
stayed in our new and exciting chalet, all pine panelling and reminiscent of a sauna.

Sue Cameron


Here are a few photos of ex-Freedom Inn staff, sent in to us by Jane Cummings

Recognise yourself ????  Let us know and tell us about your time there



Dear Julie & David

I remember all the staff at the Post House THF.  I worked in the restaurant up
stairs later ended working with Bert in the kitchen,  and I did work with
Nick, Later we lived Next door to Bert Mackay in Railway Terrace in the village
I think it was No 2 and Bert was No 1.  The last time I saw Bert he was
working in the Craigendarroch in Braemar, old Nando is still "uppad house" at
the High Range. I remember the fancy dress inter Hotel football Games on the
grass behind the ice rink and when Bert or the Kerr Brothers (from Boat of
Garten) got the ball the majority of the rest of us ran away to the Illicit
Still Bar. Also there was the CAMPARI sponsors Scottish down hill skiing
Championships when that ended (it was Rothmans took it over with ski
displays in the centre)
there was CAMPARI in the staff accommodation in bottles coffee pots it was
every where and the bottles of BRITVIC juices in a bottle bin in the staff
lounge. Those were the days that you would party all night and work in the
morning and ski all day work at night then dance & party. I won the first
and second waiters race held in Aviemore  You had to run around the centre
with a tray with a half pint of Hinigen Beer (sponsors staff block full of
beer this time)
and the time and how much you had left in your glass was the winner. I am
trying to track down the radio Highland interview and if I do I will send it
to you as a WAV.  Your site brought back many happy and funny times these are
just some of my ramblings. I am now a paraplegic and in a wheelchair after a
accident in Skye in 2000 It would be good to hear form any one from the old
gang and yourselfs.
You can email me at    

David Stark

Hello David & Julie,
I came across your website while looking through Facebook and thought
I might send this photo. It was taken by my father, Freddie MacKenzie
while they were building the Centre. There was no date on it but we do
have some slides dated July 1965 when they were still building the
Strathspey Hotel. This is very shortly after opening and the extension
was built at the same time as the rest of the hotel.

I hope it's of interest and I have many more of the area dating from
the late 60's.

Rob MacKenzie.
Auckland, New Zealand.


Hello David & Julie,

Had great fun looking at your website!

My wife Jacquie and I worked at Aviemore Post House during the time of GMs Brian & Brenda Birch and later Peter MacNamara.  We worked in the restaurant initially (wine dispense) and remember well the Christmas/New Year fancy dress nights.  At that time the restaurant was managed by Cosmo Imperiale and Tony Warner.  Rosie Rudd later to become Rosie Warner was in the cocktail bar.  Head Chef was Bert MacKay and his better half Marion worked in the restaurant with us.

Cathy Baxter was still in reception when I started there.  So was her sister Marie (Genini) her husband Savio was chef in the Buttery.  Elaine Richards came to work on reception and I also did a spell on the desk as I passed onto in-house management training.  In the Illicit Still were Jim Much and the immortal Andy White.   Len succeeded David Christie in stores, Sue Smith was in accounts with Alan Saunders and Maureen Hendry succeeded Martin ? in Personnel. Later Jacquie moved from the restaurant to work in Personnel with Hazel Helik (Young).  Mrs Edwards and Gladys looked after the staff canteen.  George Robertson the porter was there along with Big John and Arthur (aye, right enough) who were in the pot wash.

Yes, those were the days!
Nic Thorpe

 * * * * * * * * * *
 Julie wrote back to Nic, explaining that he was one of the waiters that she met whilst on holiday, and that we have some old menus
 - one of which has a load of staff signatures on..... they're now on the website - see "XMAS '77 & 78" page
 * * * * * * * * * *

Hi Julie & David,

Well that is just amazing!  You must have been one of the guests we served.  Do you remember the MacPhails and the Laings by any chance?  They were two regular families that came every year, along with the Rowntrees.  Gary MacLennan was the junior manager then.  He came from Connon Bridge up north and ended up marrying one of the accounts team.  Frank the Aussie was Frank Biddis who worked in wine dispense with me for a while.  I also remember Karen Senior and Iain MacRury.  Burt MacKay was a big chap with a ginger beard Ill check the photo.

I saw Tony and Rosie Warner not too long ago and we stay in touch.  They are semi-retired now and live in Kincraig.  Cosmo and Ainnie are also retired and still living on Burnside.  I think Burt MacKay followed Cosmo to Inverness Eden Court Theatre but we lost trace of him since.  Wendy Walker who worked with us at the Post House married a local lad (Elgin) and settled in Grantown.

Ill look out for the menus and photos on the website.  If I can find any old photos of that period Ill scan them and send them to you.

Best regards,


Hi Julie and David - I found your site by reading about it on Wikipedia.

I went to the Aviemore Centre for a week back in August 1979.  I was 10 at the time and I went with my Mum and Dad and younger Brother who was 5.  We went to Scotland every year, as we had a holiday cottage in the Galloway area, but we would always go somewhere else for a short time in the Summer as we would typically be up there for 3 weeks for our main holiday.  Our week at Aviemore probably ranks as our best break (after Portpatrick 76). 

I can remember we stayed in the Aviemore Chalets Motel as it is described as being called on your site.  The things I can remember most about it are the bunk beds which had 4 in a room, one for myself, my brother and my Mum and Dad and making Airfix models (which I was really into at the time) on a piece of newspaper on the floor.  I think they were for sale somewhere in the centre  I think there must have been a kitchen of sorts there as I don't remember having breakfast out.

I can remember the centre very well indeed and your photos brought it all flooding back.  I can remember the square with the arcade which I remember playing Space Invaders, Asteroids, and a very basic driving game with white dashes resembling the roadside.  I can remember a pinball machine based on the rock band 'Kiss'.  There was a plastic egg laying machine outside which I could see on one of the photos (although it may not be the same one) which was malfunctioning one night and to myself and my brothers delight laid dozens and dozens of toy filled eggs (so many we had to carry them back using any means possible including my Mums umbrella!).  We didn't go Ice Skating as I thought it was for girls!  I can remember eating at the Pinewood restaurant and having a Hamburger, which was a bit more of a novelty in the late 70s as McDonalds didn't really exist outside London.  We also ate at Das Stubel (where I sulked because I thought it too posh!) and a place in the village called Bumble's.  We saw a cartoon version of the Lord of the Rings at the Cinema and I also remember a Fortune Telling Machine in the foyer (although it may have been at the Pinewood restaurant), which had a model of a head which when in operation had a face projected onto it and would finish with the words "And now I must depart".  We went swimming every day at the pool as well.  It must have been a pretty safe place too as my parents felt confident enough to let us kids play out round the centre on our own one night while they went to see an Opera somewhere in the centre.  It may have been the night of the malfunctioning egg machine! 

We also paid several visits to Santa Claus land, which was, unless you count Wicksteed Park the first theme park I ever visited.  I thought it was fantastic.  Looking at the old photos reminds me just how special it was.  I think it would still do OK today, as there are much more mediocre 'attractions' in the UK still doing business. 

Other excursions we went on included a trip up the chairlift, to Loch Ness, a ride on the steam railway and a visit to Inverness.

It is a shame to see that it went to rack and ruin, as when we were there it was full of holiday makers.  True the architecture was very 1960s, but that was the only thing wrong, and I am sure it could have been brought up to date with a bit of imagination and investment. Also regarding the lack of snow, there is such a thing as snow canons which are in use all over Europe so I sure they could be put into use in the Highlands.  A snowdome could even be built to compensate for snowless periods.

Although, we visited Scotland on many subsequent occasions, we never returned to Aviemore.  My parents sold the cottage in Galloway in 1985 and bought a place in France.  In 1996 I took the wife on holiday to Scotland (She was many months pregnant and we decided against going abroad) staying for a few days in a caravan in Tummell Valley Perthshire and 2 nights in Edinburgh.  Just seeing the white cottages with painted black windows brought back memories as we crossed the border.  It was her first visit to Scotland and she was most impressed by the scenery, but less by the cold!  We will go back one day, perhaps next year.

Tom Pitchers


I came by this site via a rather circuitous route which started on a football messageboard discussion about
skiing in Scotland.  It is sad to see places where I spent many happy times either in decline or gone forever. 
These are some of my recollections & memories of Aviemore and the skiing:

My first visit to the Spey Valley area was in the summer of 1975. I was five years old on a family holiday. 
We stayed at the Struan Hotel in Carrbridge which was the home of the Austrian Ski School. 
The hotel was run by Karl Fuchs who had represented his country at the sport and had been a major
player in bringing skiing to the Cairngorms.  There was a small artificial ski slope at the back of the
property on which we learned the basics, we also saw ski films at the plush Landmark Centre across
the road and so it was decided that we would return in winter to experience 'proper' skiing in the Cairngorms.

Not only did we come back in winter for the skiing, we came back every winter and stayed at the Struan
up until 1983.  The hotel was extremely popular and had a unique smell which was a mixture of drying skiwear,
pipe smoke and gluwein.  The residents bar would be packed in the evening with drinkers exchanging
tales of their exploits on the pistes.  We occasionally stayed in a prefab annex at the back of the hotel which
was extremely basic and usually freezing cold. 

The skiing was not for the faint hearted and, as with all mountains, carried many dangers. I can recall the
punishing walk from the skiing car park to the queues at the chairlift in those cumbersome ski boots
whilst trying to balance a pair of skis on my shoulder.  Sometimes we would actually walk to the Sheiling
mid-station to avoid the queues.  There were few ski lifts in those days and those that did exist were
contraptions that would put lives in danger.  There were the chairlifts, open to all the elements, where
hypothermia was a real risk and dismounting was terrifying.  Then there were the White Lady & Coire Cas
'T' bar tows, virtually impossible to get on and virtually guaranteed that you would fall off at some point. 
Flying 'T' bars were a constant menace and piles of fallen skiiers littered the lift runs.  I always seemed
to get mismatched with my co-rider which meant that the bar was behind their knees and above my shoulders. 
A lady at our hotel broke her leg in a number of places after she ran into someone who had fallen off the
White Lady tow.  On another occasion a boy on a sledge went through the snow covering a river and despite
frantic efforts to locate him and dig him out by many members of the public, he was found dead.

The facilities on the mountain were fairly rudimentary the Sheiling and Ptarmigan 'restaurants' were
usually packed with sweaty bodies, discarded ski equipment and brown slush on the floors. I understand
that skiiers are now 'mollycoddled' and have an enclosed funicular railway to the top of the ski runs.  

The unpredictable nature of the Scottish weather meant that if there was no skiing then we would
visit other attractions such as the Osprey Centre or the local trout farm.  However, a visit to the
Aviemore Centre was seen as a real 'treat'.  I thought that the centre was the bees knees.  
It was clean and modern with a variety of amenities and seemed a world away from the lines of terraced
houses back home in Lancashire.

I learned to skate at the ice rink (I seem to recall that there was another ice rink in the area
a sort of open air venue ?), I visited Santa Claus Land, watched films at the cinema and I can remember
spending hours looking at the ski equipment in Cairdsports.  One year my parents bought me a ski suit in
the shop and I added my entire life savings to purchase a matching pair of ski gloves.  I longed for the
day that I would be old enough to go on the go-karts.  I hoped that one day we would be affluent enough
to actually stay at one of the 'posh' hotels in the centre but this never came to pass.

By the early 80's The Struan Hotel and Austrian Ski School were in decline.  Karl Fuchs had intended to
hand the business down to his son, Peter, who was a member of the Scottish Ski Team. 
However, Peter was tragically killed in a car accident on the A9 in 1980.  The business was sold in 1983
and we never returned.

I recently came by some photographs on the internet which show the Struan Hotel in a boarded up
and dilapidated state and so I then searched for images of Aviemore Centre which brought me to this site. 
To be honest I wanted to see the same hotels and amenities in Aviemore Centre, modernised and
possibly expanded over the past 25 years, not closed down and demolished.  I suppose that the advent
of cheap air travel and guaranteed snow in the Alps & Pyrenees contributed to ending what was an
era of boom for the Scottish ski industry.

It may now have gone but the memories live on.

Paul, Burnley.

Hi, I think your web is a great idea.  Here are some recent pics of the 'hill', Loch Morlich, and Loch-an-Eilein.
These were taken this summer

Jill Thomas

David and Julie
Visiting "City of Truro" steam locomotive on Strathspey Railway.
This was the first locomotive to be officially timed at 100mph.

More later, Duncan


Dear Julie & David
Some more photos... Brother and sister win the instructors race being presented by John Duncanson of Grampian T.V. presenter of North Tonight (I shall advise the year later).  Raymond Brown known at that time on the slopes as "BOD" hence the day ticket for the next day was called BOD1.
Sister is Elaine Brown now Stenz and living in Frankfurt.

The Scottish Ski Team  

Juniors in the Scottish Ski Club Hut 1982

Waiting to get on to the "T-bar" at the foot of the White Lady chairlift

Hamish Brown

Hi Julie and David,  here is a pic of the Cairngorm Hotel with the Butterfly House behind. There is an exhibition marquee to the right of the ice rink (green roof). It looks like the new A9 is still a work in progress, that should give us a date.

and a couple of balloons over Aviemore



Hi both,
A couple of pics of the "Black 5" type  loco that was the favourite workhorse of  the Strathspey Railway for many years. The Fireweed blooms are to be found wherever railways went. Brought in from the Mediterranean area on the rocks used for ballast on the track.  Also found some pics of the various Aviemore Balloon Festivals too, will send when I get them organised.


Hi Julie and David, I came across a pic I took in Chevvy`s Bar in it`s heyday as the "in place".   
DJ  Chris ,(Barley? might be Barling) Feel free to use it if you like.
Regards, Duncan.


Hi there

I am from Oban in Argyll and my Mum, Dad and older Sister visited The Old Aviemore centre many times in the very early 80's.

They were both Art teachers in Oban High School, and in their spare time made all sorts of craft brick-a-brack (they were kind of hippies in the 60's) and every year went to an annual craft fair in the Ice Rink, of course they would put a floor down and thaw the ice for the duration of the craft Fair!

The first year ( I think was 81) we went we borrowed a tiny caravan from some family friends and camped at a caravan park just outside the centre and we all shacked up inside at night.
 This is my earliest memory of having asthma, as we had Duck Down duvets and it sparked off my wheezing, it was actually a few years after this before the doctor diagnosed me as being an asthma sufferer (bloody 80's) and my dad actually took me home to Oban 4 days into the trip it got so bad bad I had had my first taste of Aviemore!

During the day my mum or my dad would sport their crafts at the craft fair trying to make some extra dosh to top up what was a shit wage really back then as a teacher while one of them would entertain us.

Santaland! it seemed incredible as an 7 year old kid, go karts but I don't think we actually went on them because they were so expensive!
I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark, I vividly remember the Arcade games ...Space Invaders, Asteroids, I remember the things like The lit up fountains at night full of coins, the huge osprey on the front of the hotel that feeling of awe, like it was really somewhere magical  tucked away some place special miles from anywhere.

We went again a 2nd time a few years later this time staying in a caravan outside the village, it really was a shed of a caravan totally run down but we didn't care we just loved being back!

Fast forward to me leaving Art School in 92 and I took it upon myself to organise a boys holiday in Aviemore in July 92.

It was already starting to look rundown, weeds growing through the unique paving slabs in the old centre forecourt, boarded up shop units, dated signage, miserable looking staff deserted ice rink, we ate alone almost every night in the ice rink cafe.
Despite that, we made the most of it, we danced our arses of in the Crofters Bar/disco, we went to see Basic Instinct at the Cinema, we had a great time but I couldn't help thinking that it was all coming to an end for the Aviemore centre, and I had a sad feeling when I left at the end of the week.

Fast forward to Last Friday Nov 28th 2008
My older Sister now lives in the beautiful town of Nairn and I was on my way up with my partner and baby son to visit them and do a spot of shopping in Inverness on Sat.
Now I have been to Inverness about a hundred times since 92 but always always went the Fort Augustus, Loch Ness route but for some reason I decided to go via Newtonmore and Aviemore, this was something I have always avoided......I don't know why.

As i drove past I could see that it had vastly changed and of course I didn't want to stop as it was snowing heavily and I wanted to get to my destination sooner rather than later so I kept going. When I reached Nairn I asked my sister what had happened to the old centre and she informed me that it had been demolished 10 years ago!

I only live 90 miles away and I had no idea!

I am going to go back as soon as my son is a bit older, I think it will still mean the same to a kid, it was because of all this that I decided to look for old photos to show my parents.

Golden times

All the best
Mark Gowdie


David and Julie

This is a copy from the Aviemore Curling Club record of matches from 1967/68 to 1979/80
From Hamish R. Brown current President/Match Secretary
OPENING BONSPIEL and the members
  List of games to be played in the season 1967/68

Club League 67/68  dates and names The League Table for 1967/68

Club Members with no date but I would think about the early 80's

Club Members cont.

The Aviemore Curling Club today has 13 playing members
and two Non Playing Honorary Members
who are original club members i.e. Dennis South
and Sandra South
We are also looking for new members to join the Aviemore Curling Club and any
person interested can contact Hamish R. Brown on tel. 01479 810 777

Hi David & Julie

This is a great idea and a great site I was involved with the Aviemore Centre from about 1976 until its demise. The 70s were the wonder years for me where everyday was an adventure and everyone was your friend. The Osprey room rock nights or a quick boogie in Cynthias a swim or skate in the afternoon. And we all got paid for it!!!! Reading this site has brought back so many memories. Grabbing a broom in the arcade when the boss (my dad Bob Murray) appeared. To chatting up girls, mostly unsuccessfully in the ice rink. My memory of Morris Marshall walking into the arcade with a chocolate wrapper that he had picked up form the square and asking why I hadnt spotted it and picked it up while I was looking after the kiddie cars typifies his style of hands on management and attention to detail that made the place work.

The other important thing I remember was that we were told that we were entertainers and to enjoy what we did and the customers will enjoy themselves as well. The atmosphere was electric and especially at the beginning the best part was that everyone knew everyone but not only them but there brothers, sisters, dads, mums, cousins and even their pets. So you always felt included. You would go to the cinema and Chris or Carol would be there Alex the boss would smile and let you in. Steve the projectionist would be in his box and after the film me and Terry would clean the cinema before the next performance race each other from top to bottom on the backs of the seats to make it more interesting.

Then a trip to the rink again meeting Kevin or Brian or Johnny chatting to Roberta in the Curling Club, Then off to the pool with little Ronnie the deputy manager. Or off to the caf for a tea staff concession of course from Mrs Clerk or if more hungry get a tray and grab some food from the Pinewood. Running the gauntlet, of Chrissie the sentinel of the cash till. And be served by Sheena (Easton) the shy new girl from Glasgow, fish and chips was best. And after work a pint in the Viking bar with Dougie the manager. And a million other friends that my terrible memory fails to release names at this time.

My world mostly revolved around the arcade with big Roy Anderson (assistant manager) a real character and gentle giant with his Hulk (Honda Bike) . Alec the manager always with a fag in his mouth. And Graham, Peter, Gordon, Clive, Kevin, Allison Phillipa and Benny. All great people but also some had secrets and problems that were hidden even in such a close community.

The other memories from the Badenoch Hotel with Geoffrey the night porter or Wally the organist Ian the manager and the big blizzard when we got stuck in the hotel for a fortnight with bread being delivered by helicopters. Happy days.

And I will always remember the junior skating championships where hundreds of beautiful young fit girls in skimpy outfits descended on the Centre for a week culminating in a big party in the Osprey room with drink flowing like water. Sitting at a table with Blink, Johnny, Dom, Kevin, Gordon, Brian listening to Duran Duran and Human League dancing terribly with the pretty girls. Life doesnt get much better for a 14/15/16/17 year old

The Centre was a right of passage in my life and I wouldnt trade my experiences and memories for anything.

I have some photos etc that I will prepare and post soon.

If anyone remembers me from those days please contact me

Stuart Murray

Hi Julie & David,
Have managed to locate quite a few photos and some of them are ones you have requested.  I thought I had a lot more and then remembered when Mam died poor dad thought he was throwing out rubbish when in actual fact it was my brothers old suitcase full to the brim with Cinema Posters etc.  A crying shame as that was my first job in Aviemore as a full time Cinema Person.  I saw Star wars 157 times!!! The Cash Desk, Sweetie Shop were manned from 2.30pm until 12 midnight every day!  We also sat in the Cinema with our torch and then went round selling ice creams at the interval.  There was a small room at the back of the Pinewood Restaurant that they used for ski movies and one night I was on Duty and walked out of the small cinema and promptly fell down a man-hole, thank God for the ice cream tray as it stopped me from falling to the bottom.  I was stuck there for 90 minutes!  Got told off for skiving but I did not take it too badly as I ate 2 choc ices while I was stuck.  Oh the memories are flooding back.  I have written on each photo my memory, some of them may not interest you but I am sure that people from far and wide will recognise themselves from those mad, glorious days in the best place in the world.
Christine Treanor

A few more pictures from Suzanne Grant


Hi Julie,
Just found out about your site Auld Aviemore from Dexy and Caroline and thought I could send you some of my memories from Aviemore.  I arrived in 1978 for a Season and stayed 19 years - some Season!!  I have and always will think of Aviemore as my home and will someday return to live there and that is a promise.  I have some great photos from around that time and would like to share them on the site. I have noticed that there is a lot of Hockey fans and it is the only sport I loved and managed to sit and watch.
Many thanks
Chris Treanor


I used to work in Reception at the Post House when Steve was manager, I married Stan Watt who was a waiter and had two children Angie and Andy. I am remarried now and live near Glasgow.   I have four grandchildren and have just retired from work.  I moved from Aviemore to Glasgow 18 years ago but still visit and have just returned from a visit there.  Sadly Tina Shields the school teacher died on Tuesday 18th Sept and I am sure many will remember her well.  The days at the Post House seem a lifetime away.  My daughter Angie presented a small posy to the Queen Mum when she visited, she was blond and wearing a green raincoat.  I worked in Reception with Lille Finlay, Sue Smith and Cath Baxter - I am sure you will remember them.  I saw George, the porter last weekend when I was up but he did not see me.

Best regards

Heather Bovell (was Heather Watt)
(text edited)

Hi Julie & David

Here are those pictures I promised you - sorry they've been so long coming, things are just crazy around here at the moment. We're just off down to Nottingham on family duties ( what joy!) and I remembered I said I'd send these shots.

The class 44 was in 1981 when I first visited Scotland and the 'peak' ( originally D8 'Penyghent' ) had just been withdrawn from Toton shed near Nottingham and had been nicked by the Scots and brought up to Aviemore, I don't know where it is now but it does still exist. The picture was taken in front of the old engine sheds which are no longer accessible to the public as all operations now begin at the BR station. 

The class 47 is an operational engine whish I happened across just the other day whilst in Aviemore. It was waiting to pick up the Royal Scotsman train which was brought up from Boat by a preserved diesel. Given the way the engine was facing and the fact that the train headboard had been put on one end I guessed it was going out south so I set up just out of Aviemore at an old bridge and waited for three quarters of an hour. Anyway it ran round the train and buggered off north, thanks a lot!

Good luck with the site


Mark Hicken

*** Julie says:- he's a famous Scottish wildlife, landscape and natural history photographer ! (and a train spotter)


Julie and David,  

Here is a few photos when we were young and handsome?  There is a ton more buried in the house somewhere, I'll send more when I have a chance. Thank you very much for your offer of the DVD, can't wait to see it. I'm sure Roddy "the train" is in as good of shape as he was back in the day. Probably best pals with Roddy, Jimmy Gilaen, John Gair and sadly Brian Dickson. As well as our #1 fan at the time Andrew Molloy. Hello to any and all. 


Tony Correale

PS Anyone have a copy of the televised Cardiff Matches?? *** FOUND ! WANT A COPY ? CONTACT DAVID AND JULIE ***


Hi there

Just visited my local dentist in Glencoe where I now live, and picked up a magazine with your ad in it and rushed home and looked at your web site.
My name is Vicky Shipley and I was married to Steve Shipley (now my ex) and he was General Manager at the Post House for three years from April 1984 until January 1987. We arrived with our two young children and lived in the house in the car park beside the hotel called The Moorings. In 1985 my third child was born while living there. I remember the District nurse well her name was Ella or Ellen.
My eldest went to Play school in the local village hall and started school in 1985 and was in Mrs Wedderburn's class. We have a copy of the whole class from the local paper.
The vet from Grantown, who later became famous as a telly vet held surgery in the village hall every Friday afternoon.
The biggest food shops were the Co-op and Mace. I think the old Mace is now the new Tesco.
I used to go to Church at St Andrew's C of S every Sunday and my daughter used to go to Sunday School. The Sunday School children would stay in church until the first lesson and then go with the Sunday School teacher to her cottage in Main Road and do Sunday School work and she would give them all lolly pops and then bring them all back to church again for the last hymn.
The Queen Mum came and open a part of the Ice Rink and all the school children came into the centre and I have photos.
We still go to Aviemore for day trips and had a meal recently in the Tavern and it is still run by the same family as in the 80's. The son Nando is the manager and he started school with my daughter Emma and they used to go to each others birthday parties. Unfortunately I was too embarrassed to go up to him and introduce myself and I just thought old Aviemore as time gone past. I loved my time living in Aviemore and a great place for young children. Every year there was a Christmas party in the village hall, and for every child in the village, there was a present from Santa.
Do you remember the North Pole in Santa Claus Land. The old Santa used to get his bead bleached at Steiner's, my hairdressers told me as I used to go there too.
I could go on and on, very happy memories there. Now I live in Glencoe opposite the loch and have a self catering holiday cottage next door. My partner and I both come from Essex but love Scotland.
Keep up the good work

Vicky Shipley

"Emma Shipley's 5th Birthday" 
The children include:-
Claire Steinley (top right) whose dad managed the Coylumbridge Hotel on the Ski Road
Louise Evans (middle bottom below Emma) whose dad was the local potter and had his studio next to the whisky tasting shop.
Nando Vastano Jnr (The boy on the right in the red shirt) is now manager of  La Taverna Italian Restaurant which  used to be called The Tavern. His pictures are on their website here:-
Duncan Farquhar (bottom row 6th from left)
Jennifer  ? from Dalfaber (bottom row 2nd from left)
Marcia  ? (bottom row 3rd from left)


Dear Julie and David
Thank you for your email I have lots of news, and when you mentioned Cairdsports it reminded me of Ken Bruce the Radio 2 presenter 9.30am to midday every weekday. His brother worked there and lived in Carrbridge. I was Chairman on the play school committee and Ken Bruce's sister in law was the Secretary. The Treasurer was the wife of the manager of Scandinavian village. Billy Connelly did his turn at the theatre. The local piper used to blow his pipes at 11am every morning from the top of the dry ski lift. Our house was at the bottom and I would just put the baby down for a morning nap and the piper would start. What a wonderful sound for a new born, better than traffic!
Just one quick memory is that we had very bad winters in the 80's and the centre often was cut off for cars. I had ordered a pig for the freezer from the butchers down the back next to the old post office. The butcher had the pig and decided to deliver it. I told him not to bother just keep it in his deep freeze and I would pick it up in a couple of days. That night he and his son bought it up to my house on a sledge. What service!
All the best


Hi Julie

I am a local to Aviemore & a very proud one at that, Ive just read through *Julies Aviemore* & I wanted to email you to say a HUMUNGOUS thanks for taking me back to all those wonderful memories of growing up in such an amazing place.

I have snaps & lots of them but Ill need to get them scanned before sending them down ok

*Keep up the GREAT work on your website*

Lots & Lots of Love

Isla Mackay

Hi David & Julie!

Sorry it's been so long in replying to your message (like a year!) 

Here are a few pics which you are welcome to use. I have loads more which I've yet to scan & tart up in photoshop.
I'll send them on when they're done.

Suzanne Grant

Hi Guys

At the tender age of 42 I have recently dug out my iceskates and joined Sunday morning iceskating lessons

I was just looking up on google all the ice rinks in the uk for when I'm out and about or away for weekends and can get in any extra practise, remembering a visit to Aviemore when I visited aged about 13 I stumbled on your website!! and it really was a trip back in time.

My brother and I were kindly taken to Aviemore by a close family friend and their two girls in a motor camper van. We drove from Sidcup kent up to Scotland with fish and chips and fun all the way.We stayed on the site and had a weekly rover  pass which I remember cost 13 and  enabled us kids to take off and use all the facilities as much as we wanted.
It was there that I first took to the ice and like you wore badly fitting boots and had blisters upon blisters! but loved it, went dry slope skiiing, cinema .. everything.

The highlight was at a dance evening when 'Auntie & Uncle' took to the floor and did the highland fling wining first prize.

Our friends had kindly taken us along as our father had leukemia and was too poorly to take us away that summer and the trip has many fond memories, I can't wait to catch up with the others. It was great to see your photos it all came flooding back.

Sadly our father died the following year, but a year or two after I bought my ice skates and now use them every Sunday!! I always remember stepping on to the ice for the first time at Aviemore and like you clinging on the side and then gradually being able to get around by myself to the latest disco sounds.. I still love the smell of the ice rink and now after 8 lessons  I've passed my Grade 3 and working towards Grade 4.

I will endeavour to find some photos and send them on.

Kind Regards

Lisa Whitter


I have only just noticed your site: it's very interesting and brings back lots of memories of skiing in blizzards and then rushing down to Aviemore to listen to Bill and Gilly. I have many photos of them lying around somewhere, plus various CD's Bill gave me. I will dig them out in memory of Bill, who is, and always will be much missed. I have also got a poster Bill made which I will get my husband to copy and send to your site.

Carol Whalley


Hi Guys,

I have sent a picture of Bill and Gilly where they used to play at the High Range Motel or "the Tavern" as we used to call it.  I have also included a home made poster that Bill gave me, which he was very proud of, it is similar to the cover of their first recording.  Keep them by all means I have loads of stuff from Bill.  Good luck with your site: it's much fun and brings back wonderful memories.  They have been sent 'snail mail' so it will take a few days.

Carol Whalley


Hello and congratulations

What an amazing journey I've just had looking through this site.....great memories and pictures from an era gone and never to be seen again - thanks a million
What a loss the centre is to the area - I'm sorry but the NEW Aviemore just has no spirit .

I was a relative late visitor to the centre having been born 1976 but probably saw it at the tail end of it's heyday and for that I'll always be grateful.

It was still a great place to be when i visited on numerous occasions  - Police academy was showing in the cinema and remember standing in the front of this building looking down the steps

I estimate the date was around 1984 - unfortunately I would never have the chance of visiting as an adult where I could enjoy other activities such as the bars go karts etc.  I remember it fondly standing at the fountains in the centre during a hot summer or on the motorbikes outside Cairdsports...I also remember being in the ice rink while my young sisters skated I also remember being inside the swimming pool looking down from a gallery with a diving board close by (could be wrong on this part) it was a yellow coloured interior with wooden seats.  Thinking about it is like a strange dream - you know it existed and you remember specific parts but you can never go back....there was just something about the place.  I remember the arcade (was never allowed in them) but I was treated to a magic egg out of the machine which was outside the building - how I smiled when I see that it was still outside in one of the pictures on your site....... fantastic trip down memory lane.

And so onto Santa Claus land - what a privilege it was to go there as a child....I recall the front reception I used to gather excitement at before we paid and went in...the huge toyshop where I bought a Corgi Ferrari or sat on the electric cars or just running around excited by the scale of the place - the polar bear as a touch scary to me !!

Then something happened....a cloud appeared over the cairngorms and cursed the centre
How did something as unique as this in Scotland pass us by....??
Another memory has just appeared into my mind - there was a crazy golf circuit (not within) Santa Land but outside.....
I presume this is long gone also !?

I remember returning to Aviemore late 80's early 90's where it had died a death...very very sad and strangely fitting that day it was pouring rain.....the boards were going up and the gates closed the essence and spirit had long gone out of this fairytale land from my childhood

all the best with your site......better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all

I often think to myself wouldn't it be something if they re-built same facilities in that area again, like a rejuvenated centre but with a modern feel - just like it was - It would be so so popular with old and new and it would all begin again.....  but I guess times change and things move on.....there really isn't much left there these days - it's all very sad

Thanks to all

Simon Tough


Morning guys

Here are some more photos taken in old Cairngorm Hotel on 18 July 1983.
It was a Freedom Inn guys night out - we called it a "hat party", hence everyone with a hat.
The guy getting held up side down is Ian Turner who was the hotel manager.
He's still here in Aviemore.

Brian Partridge


Hi David and Julie

Attached are photos of the Blackhawks Ice hockey team from the late seventies, also the team which represented Great Britain in the "Its a knockout" tv show which my husband took part in and a photo of my hubby John (lugs) Mackintosh at the ice rink in his Blackhawks gear.

Hope they are of use, I will have a look for some more, your site it brilliant well done.


Allison Mackintosh

Dear David and Julie

Having grown up in Grantown (born 26/04/62)as a wee lad almost every Sunday we would go to Aviemore for a swim and a wee shot of the electric carts which were in the centre outside the icerink and downstairs from the pool entrance run by Roy Mcgregor/Mcpherson he raced motor bikes and came from the Boat.
At 10yrs old started working in the Craiglynne hotel Grantown and competed in the waiter and waitresses race which was great fun.
Still going for a swim on Sundays but now old enough to go on the gokarts where  the freedom inn and santa claus land were built.I always remember the large crowds watching .The swim and gokarts changed as we got older to a swim (for the hang over from Cynthias disco the night before) and a few beers in the Freedom Inn.

Kind regards

Dear David and Julie,
                              Congratulations on an absolutely fantastic site. As I was only born in 1982, my memories of Aviemore do not date back as far as many other people's, but i can still remember the central square, the ice rink, the go-karts and of course Santa Claus land, plus it's "winter sport capital" status clear as a bell. I am, like most of the other contributors, very saddened by the way it fell into disrepair, as it one time it was a truly special and unique place with a wide range of facilities and a warm family feel. The fact that perhaps it wasn't as new-fangled as some of the other holiday destinations was almost part of its charm although towards the end of the old centre's life more could have been done. I still remember in the 1990s coming back year after year in the passing, hoping something had been done, but instead finding something else smashed, boarded up, semi-demolished or closed. Not a good advert for Scottish tourism!

I still drive around the new Highland resort, feeling as if something, or in fact many things are missing, and in particular an ice rink. Then having visited Xscape in Glasgow (www.xscape.co.uk) with the cinema, restaurants, bowling and indoor snow ski slope etc, it seemed like the perfect thing for Aviemore to secure it as Scotland's wintersports capital once more. If we can't, through climate change, get the natural snow, then we must find other ways to sustain Aviemore by providing more indoor sporting faculties, and in particular things to appeal to the skiers and to set Aviemore apart form other places not just in Britain but in Europe. The only problem being raising funds! Imagine my delight when I found
http://www.aviemoresportscentre.co.uk/talk.htm which seemed to answer all my prayers. Go check it out and lend your support!

Once again, thank you for facilitating so many happy memories. I sadly have no photos, but thank you very much to all the wise snappers who got them before it was too late. I would be really interested to see any pictures of the inside of the swimming pool as sadly I never got round to venturing inside if anyone has any!

Kind regards,
Alan Simpson, Perth, Scotland



Hi there,

My name is Gavin Christie, an Aberdonian now living in New York. I spent many holidays in Aviemore and I really miss the old centre, so many good memories of it. You have such a great site. It's great that someone finally started a website about the Aviemore that used to be. Keep up the good work !
Gavin Christie

** Gavin sent us B+W footage of the old centre - see it on our scrolling news pop-up on the HOME page **

Hello Julie and David,

As promised, I have typed and attached to this email a small article for
your website. The article gives readers a small piece of Aviemore's history
focused on our house but with some references to the village in general.

Hope you like the article and find it suitable for the page you will
eventually create on the website for our house.

All the best,

Download the article here in either MS-WORD format or Acrobat Reader PDF format


Hi Julie & David,

I worked in Aviemore in the late 70s with my friend Debbie (both from Australia). I met my husband there in 1979. Married in 1980 and had three children then moved to Australia in 1991 where we have been since. I have attached a photo of Santa, Barbara (Mrs Clauss daughter in real life) and myself taken in 1977 by Aviemore Photographic. I am still searching for more photos. Santas name is George Sweeney and he was a sweetheart.

My husband, George had come to Aviemore on the Scottish summer break when we met (at Cynthias disco).  He returned home (to Blairgowrie) but returned to work there and we have been together since.  He worked in the Ice Rink and I worked in the Reception area for the centre. I had worked in Santa Claus Land a few seasons before that.  We were both saddened to see the photos of the derelict Centre after all the great memories we have.  Too bad the National Trust didnt take it under its wing as a Scottish icon town.  We had taken our two eldest kids back there in the 1980s when it was still a popular spot.  But sadly my youngest will never see it now (he is 20).  I will send more photos as I find them.

(Dianne here on right)

All the best with your site.

Dianne McKenna
(All the way from Sydney, Australia)

Dear David and Julie

As a young, long-haired hippy in the early 1970s, I wandered into the Aviemore Centre carrying a backpack, a tent, a shoulder bag, and a guitar -- with about two pounds (all the money I had in the world) in my pocket.  It was October and I knew that sleeping under the stars wasn't going to be possible for much longer. To cut a long and eventful story short, I got a job as the dishwasher at the Das Stubel restaurant.  I have lots of wonderful memories of that time but, unfortunately, no pictures.

As the years rolled by, my hair became shorter, my ability to carry a fully-loaded backpack diminished, and I moved down the professional ladder from dishwasher to writer.  At the beginning of August this year, my second novel, The Holy Well, was released.  Most of it is set in the Highlands, and one particular section was inspired by my time in Aviemore.  It's one of the few locations where I've kept the place name as it is.

Colin Macpherson


Dear Julie,
I must congratulate you on your Scottish masterpiece (see it here).  I also enjoy cross stitching Scottish themes and I am hoping you can tell me where I can obtain the round thistle and also Glenbogle.  I have stitched the large thistle and I am hoping to take this over to Poland at the end of August and present it to The Polish Art Council.  We have a Scottish dance group in Bournemouth and 18 of us are going out for 5 days for the Bedzin Celtic Music Festival 2007 as their guests and hold a workshop for Scottish Country and Ceilidh dancing.

Joan Donald

Dear Julie and David

I thank you for the time and effort you have put into creating such wonderful memories for me.  I came to Aviemore as a young 17 and half year old boy with seven mates having just left school for our first holiday not with parents.   I had just started in the Bank of Scotland whilst my friends were all apprentice engineers in Timex/NCR.   We were all from Dundee and arrived by train almost 37 years ago to this very day.

We (5) stayed in a friends dad's caravan in the park just outside Aviemore under the bridge leading to the road to Loch Morlich.   The other 2 guys in our group had to say in the Youth Hostel up at Loch Morlich.   None of us had ever seen anything like the entertainment with the Ice Rink, Swimming Pool, Ten Pin bowling in the basement of one of the Hotels {This location featured in a TV advert in 1969 for Younger's Beer}.  Needless to say we drank copious amounts of alcohol, went to the Wolf Bar, Theatre where we saw the Beatles in the Yellow Submarine which had just been released and enjoyed many a night in the disco.  We ate in the Pinewood but had our last meal in the Das Stubel before heading home.

I remember fondly the Go Kart Track and for the first time in my life saw hand drying machines in toilets!!   We also lunched in a cafe across from the entrance to the Aviemore Centre and also frequented the "Happy Haggis" for our Tea.   After the disco at night there was a mini van parked outside which had an extended high back. A girl would stand inside the back of the mini and sell hot hamburgers at 2 shillings and six pence each {15p in today's money} {fortune then}.   I am 54 now with two girls aged 20/17 and about to have our last "family" caravan holiday together so we decided in January this year to come back to Aviemore for one last time.

We stayed here about 14 years ago in the Caravan site just down from the tourist office but there was a lot of trouble with drunken older Irish people fighting in the toilet at 2 am.   Scary for our two young girls who didn't want to return. 

Anyway I found your site today which I think is superb and saw photographs of some of the above which I haven't seen since t1970 {Das Stubel}.  That was the Costa Del Sol equivalent for today's teenagers. Sadly one of the group of guys I was with in 1970 has died whilst another emigrated to Australia in 1975.  I still meet the others and often talk about that holiday in 1970.  We did take some photographs so will try and trace them for you.

Music of the time included Mungo Jerry "In the Summertime", Free with "All right Now" and The Kinks with "Lola" were some of the tunes  in the charts. every time I hear thee songs it reminds me of that week.  Much appreciated for the work done here.

I came back for the odd week-ends up to 1974. I remember in May 1974 being in the Red McGregor Hotel and watching Scotland beat England at Hampden Park live on the TV . I met a girl,  got married and have camped/caravanned UK all over since then.  I was hooked on caravans after that week.

Kindest regards
Ian Wallace from Carnoustie.

Dear Julie and David

I enjoyed reading your article on 'Our Readers Ask' page in the Scots Magazine (April 2007). 

It didn't half bring back very fond memories and made me dig out the old photographs (which I have enclosed).

My husband and I first visited the Aviemore Centre in October 1978 with our 2 children George and Lisa, during school holidays.  We had a fantastic time!  We had never lived in a Scandinavian type chalet before but it was adequate, clean and introduced us to the delights of a Downie which kept us exceptionally warm during the cold weather.

It was a very well planned centre with plenty to do: skating rink, Santa Clause Land and Restaurant; cinema, indoor sports hall, North Pole, go-carting, mini railway and various shops.  We also saw real reindeer and along the road from the Centre there was a Trout Farm where you could buy food to feed the fish.  Of course, the scenery was spectacular, especially with the autumn colours on the trees.

We returned a couple of years later and stayed in the Badenoch Hotel.  About the same time we brought other family members up by train to experience the delights.  A good time was had by all!


Julie and David
Hi, here are some photos from "La Pigalle" disco in 1983 of Freedom Inn staff
Brian Partridge

Dear David and Julie

Funny how life goes, having returned to stay in Badenoch (Kingussie) after a long long time I was in Tesco at Aviemore today where I met an old friend called Rosemary. We both ,like many worked in Aviemore Centre in the hey-days, i.e., late 60 s., those times were good, winters were winters, snow arriving late November and still there in March, how times have changed.

Anyway, thought you and all viewers of site might like a bit of a laugh. About  1968 a former school friend of mine (Angus Kerr from Bridge of Allan ) was working in the Badenoch hotel as a chef, I used to go up to Aviemore at weekends to see him and sneaked a bed in the hotels staff quarters. He let me know that if I wanted to have a job in the Centre one was available in the Ice Rink, whoever got the job had to be good at ice skating as it was full time on the ice. Never having been on skates as he well knew I asked him how he thought I could get it, reply was, come up "my mate works in the swimming pool, he knows one of the guys in the Ice Rink who will give you a crash course." Crash course indeed, just what I needed.

Off to Aviemore I duly went on a Tuesday, interview was arranged for the Friday, didnt even have skates!!!!!. Bought a pair of Hockey skates, they do not have the serrated barbs at front but since the Ice Rink manager was a Jack Dryburgh who had been a pro ice hockey player in Canada I think it would hold good impression with him. Three nights, five hours a night, through the night when the Ice Rink was closed we entered on the q.t. with only the night lights on in rink area. Who says it can take a lot of time to learn, by the end of the three nights, and as a paying customer during the day ( when the manager was not in) I was good, backwards, no problem, a few tricks, no problem.

Now the big interview day, blah, blah, blah etc, how is your skating?, good was the reply. Lets see he said, not expected though, but off we went, he was obviously impressed, got the job, Great.

Had a good year plus in the Ice Rink, met a lot of great people who worked in the Centre, showbands at weekends were first class and all the entertainment was if you knew the right people, i.e. doormen . Never to be repeated I fear. Many a free meal, no, most in fact could be obtained by the few who had contacts in the Pinewood Restaurant, but, the Das Stubel, well, totally out of bounds, staff there all had different backgrounds, ( think about it folks, see what I mean now) Any, only a distant memory now, but a very very pleasant one.

PS. Angus Kerr, wherever you are in the world try to contact.
Dennis Hyndman,


I just had an email this morning from a very old friend from Aviemore and he got in touch with me via your site - i cant tell you how chuffed i was!
My family and i are moving back up to Aviemore in August and cant wait!!  I'm away to have a look at your site gain, havent been on for about a month but all the very best, and keep up the good work!


Dear David and Julie

    Bread Units!
  After the war bread was rationed for a while. Everyone was issued with a sheet of "Bread Units" like as sheet of stamps , every time one bought bread  the shopkeeper took the required BUs, 1 unit per lb .
When one ran out of BUs one ran out of bread.

   A friend and I had climbed Ben Nevis to see the sun rise,
   came to bridge that went half way across, climbed straight up in the dark, thought better of it and pitched the tent. Following morning, my rucksack rolled down the hill, so we went to the top without it and searched on the way back down.  Found it in a burn of course top open full of water.
Down to Fort William, managed to con the priest into allowing us to sleep on the floor of the school. Next morning, first day of bread rationing so I went in the coop for rolls and used my fist BUs. Then we caught the train home to Edinburgh, dried ou reloaded and went back up on the thumb.

  Fabulous holiday, My nickname to this day is Ben Nevis among the climbing fraternity.

          thanks for the site




I wrote a piece for your website some time ago, thought you might like an update.

Recently I've been home for a visit, we took some photos of what's left of Santa Claus Land, you can still get access if you go in via the new "one way" roundabout near the police station (one way because you can only enter the centre via the centre brae at the other end of the village but this new roundabout will only let you exit the centre - very peculiar, it's been like that since it was built a year or so ago no one seems to know why...)

Anyhoo, we sneaked in to what's left of Santa  Claus Land and were greeted by a very sorry sight - remember the old wishing well at the entrance to the park ? well it's still there - vandals have thrown bits and pieces down there and I'd imagine that the mountain of cash is long gone, behind it, Santa's big house is still standing, but is surrounded by overgrown shrubs, the windows are smashed and the place is locked up for obvious reasons, they have left the more recent furniture in place as it is bolted down, so there are a handful of tables and chairs and some painted scenery boards here and there, it's a ghost house now, if you stand for a while you can still imagine the children running around and the big jolly santa sitting in the corner near his sleigh.  We took a walk behind the big house and found the old walkway where the traction engine used to be, I think it was given away to a museum somewhere (unless it's underneath the shrubbery !) if you tread carefully around the glass and debris you find yourself at the buildings which used to hold the Lego shop, some of the giant bricks are strewn around outside - amazing, seeing that it stopped being a lego outlet many many years before the demise of SCL, this building is a wreck, there's no roof - we couldn't tell if there had been a large fire or just someone building a camp fire - no matter - it's a mess.  Further still we found the building (still standing) which housed the Sleigh Ride, some of the cars are still there, and the track is still in place, I remember that being a scary ride in the dark with lots of neon toadstools painted on the walls, amazing how they can fit so much track inside a tiny little building.

We found the Crazy Golf, still bolted down but only recognisable to people with strong memories, the north pole is there, minus it's 2ft layer of slippery ice - remember the old ruin (no, not the big house) that stood near to the Crazy Golf ?  well it's still there - I never knew if it actually was a ruin or had been built like that for SCL, no matter - it seems to have passed the test of time and is still intact - it'll probably still be there in a few hundred years when people will put a plaque up saying "The site of the original SCL, long may she RIP".

Hope you like the photos....  

** Julie and David say: It's so sad .... How has it come to this?**



First of all, I would like to congratulate you for creating an excellent website. I am a relative newcomer to Aviemore but have a keen interest on its development and history.  While browsing the "Your Photos" section I noticed my house was in one of the old black and white postcards. The photo is called "Easter, Aviemore" (written on the bottom left of the card) and has a house (mine) and a church on the left hand side.  It was so exciting to see the old photo of our house. I have quite a few old postcards of Aviemore from many, many years ago but our house always seems to be hidden by the church or just a dot in the distance! 

(click to enlarge)

Not sure if this is of any interest to you but i can tell you a bit about the history of our house:

-built in 1907 by Mr & Mrs Frank McCook from Carrbridge (he was a baker).
The house was named Craiggowrie.
-the room at the front right of the house was opened as the village grocery and and a few years later a bakery was opened next door by Mr McCook.
-the shop in the house closed and Mrs McCook opened a haberdashery shop within the railway station.
-the McCooks sold the house to the one and only Davie Cameron (he owned the Red Mac and built the shops on Grampian Road) in the late 1970s/early 1980s.
-the bakery next door became Comfy Carpets.
-the house was sold on in 1998 and became a guest house called Craigellan.
-we bought the house in 2005, opened it up as a guest house again and called it Strathspey House!

I'll try and get my old postcards on disc for you and post them out asap.

Many thanks again, you have been a great help and keep up the excellent work on your website.
All the best,

How it looks now
(click to enlarge)

PS if you want a sneaky peak of the house today please go to
www.strathspeyhouse.com , we have re-instated the finials to the house which match the old postcard surprisingly well!

** Julie says - we have been emailing back and forth with Kyle for a week or so now since he saw his house on the photos section of our website.  If you ever want somewhere to stay in Aviemore, this B+B looks lovely and is in the best B+B guide.  We will certainly be paying him a visit when we are next in Aviemore.  If you do book, let him know that you saw it on the www.auldaviemore.co.uk website.  It's good to know that we are helping to promote historical Aviemore **

Hi Julie and David

I now live in Western Australia but look at your website every few weeks for an update.
I lived in Aviemore for 30 years and remember when the centre was being built. We really didn't realise just how lucky we were as kids, having all the facilities at our doorstep, and also the chance of getting a Saturday job when you were old enough,I worked in Cairdsport with my good friend Shirley Dickson and remember dodging the puddles in the back shop store as the swimming pool was directly above and it leaked! and it was a great environment for all sorts of wildlife ( mainly cockroaches!)

We used to fight over who would serve the good looking blokes, and we did a roaring trade in swimming trunks, we really emphisised the fact that they could not be returned so it was best to try them on, then we would hang about near the changing rooms to give maximum humiliation!  We used to argue over who went over to the ice rink snack bar for the hot chocolate, it was dicing with death if the kiddie cars were on Allander square just outside the shop. We used to go to Arnotts (house of Frazer) and try on all the clothes in our lunch break then into RS McCalls for the sweeties to see us through the afternoon.  I remember going to the "White Heather Show" when I was 12 with my late father in the speyside theatre, he played in his own band and loved his music, no doubt readers may remember him, his name was Hugh Mackenzie. and the band played in most of the hotels at one time or another.  I loved the Easter Bonnet Parades as the sun always came out, and Allander Square on Hogmanay.

My brother Michael used to work in the Ice rink, on the skate hire, and cutting the ice, the funny thing is as a local kid we never seemed to pay entry fees for anything, we used to just walk in! it was the same at the swimming pool too! we really were very lucky kids. 

I love living in Western Australia, and will have been here 17 years in December, but I still miss the snow and the atmosphere that Aviemore had. I was back 4 years ago and the derelict centre just left me speechless ( and thats saying something!!) but I will be back in Aviemore for another holiday this Oct (6 weeks to go whoopee!) so I am really looking forward to seeing what they have done with it all. 

I think your website is great, and I loved the really old photos of aviemore,  I remember going to the pot luck for the sunday papers when I was about 9 or 10, and I remember the bridge over the butchers burn before they did the road, I must have been about 5 then I think. 

Well, I have rambled enough, I hope you can use some of my memories!  All the best from "down-under"


Dear David and Julie,

I saw your request in the Sunday Post for information about Aviemore in the 60s, 70s and 80s and I thought you might like to hear some of my recollections of my life there. We bought one of the cottages on Railway Terrace in 1975 and moved there from a small village in Suffolk.  The family consisted of myself, my husband and our
5 year old son.  We moved there for a complete change of lifestyle and a healthy climate for our son.  My husband worked as a railway engineer in Inverness and I worked as the secretary at Aviemore Primary School.  My memories are of a very happy life, our son loved school and the children did benefit a lot from the Centre whose staff seemed to make it their business to make sure the local people had good use of the facilities and our son learnt to swim in the magnificent swimming pool, which was used by the school and the local swimming club.  I also remember as one of the leaders of the local cub movement helping them use the pool with the scouts to practice for a swimming gala.  The centre did quite a lot to help the school and one Easter they set up a disco within the school hall.  The noise was deafening as I sat in my office above them, listening to them dancing and singing.  The Headmaster couldn't stand the noise and went to lunch leaving me and the janitor to deal with parents looking for children who were late home for lunch. When the new Santa Claus Land opened the centre arranged for the two youngest classes to visit and I went with one of the classes to help supervise.  The excitement of the children was marvellous and the centre staff were lovely with them all.  When Star Wars the film was opening at the centre cinema, the centre set a competition for each class to build a model and the prize was for the whole winning class to go to the cinema.  I was asked to go with the class and we walked in a "crocodile" along the A9.  During the interval all were given choc-ices and sweets.  Although we did not ice skate I remember going to "Mini Car racing on ice".  It was great fun.  During the very bad winter we were cut off for some time and we had no electricity.  The local hotels delivered hot meals to all the pensioners on Railway Terrace, these being pulled on sleds by the staff through snow drifts higher than cars!  We were forced to move away in 1979 for my husbands work, but I have never forgotten my happy times in Aviemore and have lived in many parts of the country but always promised myself I would retire back home to Aviemore.  I never made it back there and the placed has changed so much and I personally do not think for the best, but I am as near as possible to my home!

Yours sincerely,
Josephine Taylor

Dear Aviemores,

As a family we used to go to Aviemore in the 1960s.

At that time you could pass through in a few seconds, no hotels other than
the Alt-na-Craig opposite the station.  We stopped at the railway holiday
hostel across the lines from the present Spey Valley Railway.   There were
steam trains operating the normal services then.
There was no development for some years, and the main shop was the Co-op
which was where there is a parade of shops now, and there were no shops at
the station, although there was a petrol station there.
The first signs of the Aviemore Centre were announced generally in an article
in a Sunday paper about the new facilities being built, and the next time
we visited, there was a lot of building going on, and a big change was a
chip shop called 'The Happy Haggis' at the south end of village. I remember
my children were very impressed with it. My wife and I were less impressed
by the extra helping of deep fried bluebottles available with the fish or
haggis and chips.

Eventually the ice rink arrived which children loved, but the BIG attraction
for the youngest was the paved area near the new shops which had electric
scooters for hire for children to  race all over the area.
And the surroundings were still unspoilt, no holiday village at the north
end, and Loch Morlich had no caravans, no reindeer, no car parks, and the
road to the Cairngorm was mostly empty.  The car park there came early on,
but not then.

It was possible to meet and talk to locals in peace at the bar at the back
of the Alt-na-Craig, no Costa style shops and cafes anywhere.
When Aviemore became ski city, and festooned with tat shops, we abandoned
it and went further north where the developers had not reached.
The best bit of Aviemore then was that apart from the few facilities in town,
the whole area remained unspoiled.
I am attaching photos I took about then which show that the only 'tourist'
attraction we were tempted to was the canoe hire at Loch Morlich
Interesting web site, I'm sure it will attract a lot of reminiscences.


Hello Julie and David

I just checked out your website which I got from the Sunday Post online, grrreat!

Aviemore brings back so many happy memories for me and my friends.  Our first holiday on our own was at the caravan site in Aviemore, I think we were 16 this was in the seventies.  The Freedom Inn was especially memorable, there was a regular singer there, Ive forgotten his name right now, McLeod was his last name I think.  We also used to go the discos and of course the ice rink.  We also stayed in one of the chalets for a weekend a year or so later, it was so much fun there as it was a great place to meet fellas! Ha-ha. 

I also remember going to Santa Claus land when I was a bit younger and when home for a holiday a few years back, my brother took me there and I couldnt believe it wasnt the same.  I guess you always expect things to stay the same.

Anyhow I am going to pass on your website to my friends who are still living in the UK, theyll love it too.

Thanks for doing a great job.
Best regards

Elaine Abbott

Victoria, BC

Aviemore1950.  Too long ago? 

I remember Aviemore from 1950 is this too early for your interest?

I was born and brought up in Kelty, Fife, and when my friends father died, her mother got a job
in the Aviemore Hotel as a sewing maid and they moved there in 1949.  I spent two weeks with
them in 1950 in the original hotel which was burnt to the ground later in the 50s.  Supposedly, a
maid put hot ashes into a waste paper basket and that started the fire.  I dont know if this is a
fact, its what I was told, but the dog belonging to her and also the hall porter Mr Allan were killed
in the fire.  I have a photo of the original hotel if that would be of interest to you.  Some of the places
you mention in your letter (Sunday Post) were in existence when I was there.  As far as I remember
there was one main street plus the council estate, and I only remember the butchers and the grocers. 
The locals bought their newspapers from the newsstand on the station platform.  I was 14 when I was
there and will be 71 in April 2007, so it was a long, long time ago.


Mrs Aileen M. Greer
Blandford Forum
(A beautiful insight into pre-modern Aviemore, and Im sure it will be of interest to many.  David)

From 1973 to 1977 I lived on the Black Isle with my mother and step-father.
I was in my teens then, and we used to visit Aviemore.  Myself and my brothers
loved the "Aviemore Centre" and the magical place - "Santa Claus Land".

I got a job in the the Post House hotel in 1981 as a chamber maid.  We used to feed
the ducks out of the back of the hotel with the buns that had gone stale. 
Seasonal work there at that time was often guaranteed from Winter to Easter as the
skiing was good, and of course, staff had a card to show to get free use of the ice rink.

I still return north once a year with hubby and children and visit the old haunts,
even though the centre has changed over the years. 
The go-karts havent been there for a while either.

Ali Gina Shottan (nee Wadsworth)


I know the santa in your photograph. His name is George.
I am not sure of his surname as everyone calls him Santa.
He still stays in Collie Cottages on the main street in Aviemore.

Your site is great and I have been looking for old pictures on the
internet of Aviemore with not much success.

Here's "Santa" George at the Glenn Centre (from the Strathspey and Badenoch Herald)

"Avie" Maria

Auld Aviemore website, what a great idea!


You have certainly brought back some fond memories of my time in the Highlands.


I worked at the Post House Hotel in 79/80 with a great bunch of people, comprised
mainly of misfits from around the world and especially Glasgow. As a very nave 19 year
old I was soon introduced into the Scottish way of having fun, which seemed to involve
a lot of drinking! A pint of heavy was around 50p in the old days.
There was around 600 residential staff for the centre, mostly young folk with a zest for
partying, there always seemed to be a party of some description going on somewhere.


I recall many a good evening in the illicit Still bar being entertained by The Trampies;
Donny McDonald and Arthur MacLean, or watching Skiing videos shown by the local
instructors, who always kept on their Ski instructor tops, presumably to impress the girls.


Skiing was the reason for my living in Aviemore, I was lucky to be there when it
snowed properly. In 1980 there was so much that I was able to ski on my birthday, May 15th!
I had some fantastic days on the mountain; one of my best was on a warm spring afternoon
with friends Simon and Wendy. Simon being the adventurous type decided to show us an
extreme off-piste run, called The Wall, this was extremely steep with scattered exposed
rocks. A couple of inches of fresh powder had fallen overnight presenting us with perfect
conditions, the skiing was sublime, at the bottom we looked back to see our tracks carved
into the virgin snow. It was truly an unforgettable and awesome run, happy days.


My fondest memory has to be meeting a girl called Jenny, who was visiting Aviemore.
We fell in love, must have been my tight ski pants! Or maybe too many drinks in the
Freedom Inn, or a combination of the Aviemore effect.  Anyway we got married two years
later and now live happily in Kent, with our two boys 18 & 15 years.


Best wishes to all the Auld Aviemore crew.


Tony Watson



Hi guys, great idea - sadly Aviemore, as you know,  is now nothing like it was. 
I was a very young policeman in the mid 70's and had a wonderful and "developing" time there.
I have many tales to tell if you are interested - mostly funny. 
I met my wife of almost 30 years there thanks to the Cinema and Cynthia's Disco.
We both still miss it. I might have some old photo's some where which if I find I will forward on. 
All the best.

Iain MacColl

Hello David and Julie.

Enjoyed your letter about Aviemore. I too remember all the hotels plus other
things that you mentioned.  I went up to Aviemore twice a year from when
I was 14 until I was 19.  My sister and I enjoyed the swimming pool. The ice rink
was our favourite.  A great place for eyeing up the talent. There was usually
plenty of nice looking guys around. We also went to the discos late in the evening.
Do you remember the ones that weren't licensed.  Oh, happy days.

I drove through Aviemore the week before last and somehow it wasn't the same

Fond memories.
Theresa Cannon 

P.s. Did you ever go to The Woodshed Bar just outside the Coylumbridge hotel?.

Hi David and Julie

I read your letter in the "Sunday Post" about Aviemore and it
brought back many happy memories for me.  Although I don't have
access to the Internet, I thought I would write and tell you about
some of my "old Aviemore" memories.  I enjoyed Summer holidays
there in the years 1973 and '74 with my sister and two of our friends.
Both times we stayed at the Speyside caravan site down by the river.
As we were all in our late teen and early twenties at the time, we really
enjoyed the night-life in Aviemore!  Most nights we went to the Wolf Bar
in the Badenoch hotel, then on to "Cynthia's" disco.  We also went to the
folk nights - in Cynthia's too (I think?).  Other places I recall we went
to, included the Post House, the Red McGregor, High Range and
Coylumbridge hotels.  I too remember the Pinewood restaurant. 
We often ate there during the day - their sandwiches were great! 
I seem to remember eating-out in a place that was decorated inside
like a Swiss/Austrian style log-cabin (Edelweiss?)  It was in the Centre
- was it opposite the ice-rink?  The fountains in Alexander Square
provided the backdrop to many a photo that we took! 
The ice-rink was great - we always had a good time skating there!

The last time I was in Aviemore was in the late 1980's - it had changed
a lot by then and I suppose it will be more so now.  I think when we
were there in the 70's, Aviemore was in it's heyday - I certainly felt it
was a unique, special place at that time.

Sheila Stewart

Hi Julie and David,
Have just been visiting your Aviemore site and found it brought back great
memories of fabulous holidays and long weekends we spent there ourselves.
Our first encounter with Aviemore was in 1973,when as we were touring
Scotland we decided to spend the day here. We loved the place so much
that we returned two or three times a year until the renovations started.

On our first holiday there we stayed on the Speyside caravan park in a small
un-insulated caravan with no running water and no mod-cons,
but it was fabulous. From our caravan your senses were greeted by the
aroma of the nearby fish and chip shop The Happy Haggis.  We spent a lot
of evenings queuing outside for our fish suppers which ranked as the
best in Scotland.

When our daughter Pauline came along we decided that she too would enjoy
Aviemore and that she did.  She met santa, visited the North Pole and
enjoyed the swimming pool and ice-rink. Many are the stories we still recall
about a place so dear to us, so much that we decided to call our house ABH MOR,
the gaelic root of Aviemore,

Ronnie Gage
speyside caravan site 1972   speyside caravan site 1982   The Snowmen - guardians of the North Pole 1980   The big red lion outside the craft centre at Santa Claus Land.1980   How many faces appeared here in front of the race track? 1980

Daughter Pauline with the real Santa Claus   Inside Santa Claus land near the miniature railway.1980   The childrens play area in front of the ice rink   The craft shops outside Santas,where you could buy handmade candles, woollen tammies or rock quartz from the Cairngorms.   The steam roller at Santa Claus Land

The Aviemore steamie which still runs today. The train does regular passenger runs between Aviemore and Boat of Garten..Taken around 1979.   A visit to Aviemore was not complete without a visit to the nearby heather centre.1982


I have been going to Aviemore at New Year for 32 Years. My family were
brought up with Aviemore.  I remember the little electric cars outside the
ice rink in the square, the Das Stubel restaurant, Caird Sport, the old
Ptarmigan restaurant up the mountain.  My son, now 40 just a couple of years
ago, found his signature in the "Ski 'n Dhu" restaurant, who have sheet on the
wall from their opening.  His is from about 76. There was also the swimming
pool - (the fireworks display at New Year was on the roof of the swimming
and also the ice rink), the Happy Haggis chippie - the chip van at the top of
the road just as you entered the centre near the crazy golf.  Then we went
posh and got a crepe van/hut along nearer the go karts. The Red Macgregor
where the Trampies were the top attraction.  I have probably said enough for
now but it certainly brings back GOOD memories or is it I am just getting
older.  I was staying in Nethybridge this year but still had my visits to
Aviemore.  I have stayed in caravans, chalets and houses but my favourite was a
cottage on the
Rothiemurchus estate. That reminds me, there was the whisky
tasting shop and the Gallery Restaurant there, beside the Ski Shop and the
fish farm.  Now I am really getting carried away.  I must stop.

Yours Norma McLeod

Dear David and Julie
I saw your request in the Sunday Post asking for memories of Aviemore.
I remember passing through Aviemore on the way to the Cairngorms when
I had been staying in Kingussie on coach tours in the 1960s, but in 1975 on
another coach tour, my mother and I stayed at the Strathspey Hotel for two nights.

On one evening dinner was geared to Scottish food. I believe other hotels did similar
things at that time and also had whisky tastings.
I remember quite clearly having haggis, neeps and tatties for starters. This was
followed by venison. For sweet I had Flummery Drambuie which was, I think,
whipped up cream mixed with Drambuie and served in a small glass with a teaspoon.

While staying in Aviemore my mother bought a jumper and cardigan from a shop on
the same side of the road as the railway station
- probably one of the woollen mill shops.

My husband was the driver of the coach tours when we stopped in Kingussie.
I am his second wife, we have been married eight and a half years now.
Although he drove through Aviemore on many occasions he does not remember
anything specific about it. He says it was one of those places in those days
where if you blinked, you missed it!

With best wishes for your project.
Good luck

Audrey MacCall

Hi Julie & David 

Here are some old photos that may be of interest to your new site. 

I was involved with the Aviemore Blackhawks for many years and other sporting activities 

Many people may remember my dog "Barney", an "Aviemore icon"! 

Keep up the good work 

Best regards 

Andy Blair

Windsurfing "in the High Street"
1982 (pouring with rain!)

Aviemore's Loch Paluddran
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